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Commit b7e469d8 authored by thierry balliau's avatar thierry balliau
Browse files

change export data from mcq.get.compar to unlog value and mcq.get.dataframe

creation of rd file for mcq.write
parent b2d684b5
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Tags 4.6.0
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......@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ na.rm="ANY", columnID="ANY"), function(object, flist, na.rm, columnID){
## method for cmcq.protq.xic
setMethod("mcq.get.compar", signature(object="cmcq.protq.xic", flist="ANY",
na.rm="ANY", columnID="ANY"), function(object, flist, na.rm, columnID){
object@protval$q = 10^object@protval$q
temp = mcq.get.compar(as(object, "cmcq.generic.protq"), flist, na.rm, columnID)
......@@ -51,10 +51,14 @@ setMethod("mcq.get.dataframe", signature(object="cmcq.protq.peakcounting", alpha
## method for cmcq.protq.xic
setMethod("mcq.get.dataframe", signature(object="cmcq.protq.xic", alpha="ANY"), function(object, alpha){
nb_pep = unique(object@protval[, c("accession", "q")])
colnames(nb_pep) = c("accession", "nb.pep")
nb_pep = unique(object@protval[, c("accession", "msrun", "count")])
colnames(nb_pep) = c("accession", "msrun", "nb.pep")
object@protval$count <- NULL
temp = mcq.get.dataframe(as(object, "cmcq.generic.protq"), alpha)
temp = merge(temp, nb_pep, by="accession")
temp = merge(temp, nb_pep, by=c("accession", "msrun"))
temp$temp_q = 10^temp$q
colnames(temp)[which(colnames(temp) == "q")] <- "log(q)"
colnames(temp)[which(colnames(temp) == "temp_q")] <- "q"
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
\author{PAPPSO (}
\title{Write Dataframe to file}
\description{This function exports an ods or a flat file containing the data containing in a dataframe create by mcq.get.dataframe, mcq.get.metadata or mcq.get.compar.}
\usage{mcq.write(object, type="flat", sep="\t", dec=".", file="export")
\item{object}{a dataframe object.}
\item{type}{type of exported file : must be 'flat' for 'tsv'or 'csv' format or 'ods' for libreoffice spreadsheet format. Default value is 'flat'.}
\item{sep}{must be a valid column separator between ',', ';', '\\t'. Default value is '\\t'.}
\item{dec}{must be a valid decimal separator between ',', '.'. Default value is '.'.}
\item{file}{the name of the exported file without extension. Default value is 'export'.}
\details{This function is designed to facilitate export of data from MCQR package. It use the 'write.table' function from 'utils' packages for flat file or 'write_ods' from 'readODS' package for libreoffice spreadsheet.\\n This function does not write row names of dataframe. }
\author{PAPPSO (}
## retrieve data in dataframe format
quantification <- mcq.get.dataframe(xic_prot_imputed)
## save quantification result to 'tsv' file named quantification
mcq.write(quantification, type="flat", dec=".", sep="\t", file="quantification")
## retrieve metadata information
metadata = mcq.get.metadata(xic_prot_imputed)
## write metadata in libreoffice spreadsheet
mcq.write(quantification, type="ods", file="metadata")
\seealso{\code{\link{mcq.get.dataframe}}, \code{\link{mcq.get.metadata}}, \code{\link{mcq.get.compar}}, \code{\link{write_ods}}, \code{\link{write.table}}}
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