Ease the use of remote sensing products provided by Dinamis/Theia.
Supported products:
- Spot 6/7
- Sentinel-2 Level 2 (THEIA)
- Sentinel-2 Level 3 (THEIA)
The following libraries are required: OTB and GDAL (both with python bindings).
pip install git+
# How to contribute?
Scenes follows the **gitflow** workflow.
All you have to do is:
1. Start from **develop** branch
git checkout develop
2. Create a new branch
git checkout -b 12-my_new_feature # say somebody has opened an issue (#12) on gitlab
3. Push the new branch
git push origin 12-my_new_feature
4. Create a **merge request** from gitlab (**Left panel** > **Merge requests** > **New merge request**) or simply by copying the link displayed after the git push.
The merge request will trigger the CI (static analysis, tests, etc).
To be merged, the new branch has to pass all tests.
Then, the new branch will be reviewed and merged.