Extraction from WorldClim data (https://worldclim.org/data/monthlywth.html, 2.5
minutes ahead). Monthly total precipitation (in mm) from 1991 to 2020 (January
to December) for each of the 11 traps. Each trap falls in a different pixel.
[MeteoFrance's reference period is 1981-2010].
Each line is a trap, in alphabetical order from PL01 to PL11.
├── BTV-EHD_ReunionIsland.pdf
Report by T Balenghien in 2017 with estimates of infection rates using the classical methods and displaying the resulting dynamics. Only on periods where the circulation of the viruses has been observed. He conducts several permutation tests to confirm significant differences across seasons and viruses.
├── Climat_Réunion.jpg
Köppen climatic zones in La Reunion.
├── Figure 5.png
Distribution of Culicoides species observed on multiple sites in La Reunion.
├── MS_Dynamics Culicoides RUN_figure3.png
Descriptive matrix of capture abundances in the trial by site, species, fortnight and season. Published in Yannick's thesis and paper.
├── Makefile
Makefile for compiling markdown files into pdf.
├── Notes.md
Notes of the project. Abandoned in favour of LogSeq.
├── Readme.md
This file. Description of files in the directory.
├── diagram_variables.graphml
Yed source for the following graphic.
├── diagram_variables.png
Concept diagram of relevant variables in the problem, and their influence structure.
├── episode clinique.png
Diagram showing the temporal distribution of epidemic outbreaks of various diseases in La Reunion.
├── map non dyn variable.png
Maps of eco-climatic classification of La Reunion based on [DAUPI](https://www.reunion.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/POLI-web_cle569cd2.pdf), of land use and location of farms and watercourses.
└── virus in culicoides MIR.png
Figure about the observed dynamics of viruses by species.