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Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
  "R": {
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "Version": "4.4.2",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "Repositories": [
        "Name": "CRAN",
        "URL": ""
  "Packages": {
    "DBI": {
      "Package": "DBI",
      "Version": "1.2.3",
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Title": "R Database Interface",
      "Date": "2024-06-02",
      "Authors@R": "c( person(\"R Special Interest Group on Databases (R-SIG-DB)\", role = \"aut\"), person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = \"aut\"), person(\"Kirill\", \"Müller\", , \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-1416-3412\")), person(\"R Consortium\", role = \"fnd\") )",
      "Description": "A database interface definition for communication between R and relational database management systems.  All classes in this package are virtual and need to be extended by the various R/DBMS implementations.",
      "License": "LGPL (>= 2.1)",
      "URL": ",",
      "BugReports": "",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 3.0.0)"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Suggests": [
        "nanoarrow (>=",
        "RSQLite (>= 1.1-2)",
        "testthat (>= 3.0.0)",
      "VignetteBuilder": "knitr",
      "Config/autostyle/scope": "line_breaks",
      "Config/autostyle/strict": "false",
      "Config/Needs/check": "r-dbi/DBItest",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "RoxygenNote": "7.3.1",
      "Config/Needs/website": "r-dbi/DBItest, r-dbi/dbitemplate, adbi, AzureKusto, bigrquery, DatabaseConnector, dittodb, duckdb, implyr, lazysf, odbc, pool, RAthena, IMSMWU/RClickhouse, RH2, RJDBC, RMariaDB, RMySQL, RPostgres, RPostgreSQL, RPresto, RSQLite, sergeant, sparklyr, withr",
      "Config/testthat/edition": "3",
      "NeedsCompilation": "no",
      "Author": "R Special Interest Group on Databases (R-SIG-DB) [aut], Hadley Wickham [aut], Kirill Müller [aut, cre] (<>), R Consortium [fnd]",
      "Maintainer": "Kirill Müller <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "Formula": {
      "Package": "Formula",
      "Version": "1.2-5",
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Date": "2023-02-23",
      "Title": "Extended Model Formulas",
      "Description": "Infrastructure for extended formulas with multiple parts on the right-hand side and/or multiple responses on the left-hand side (see <doi:10.18637/jss.v034.i01>).",
      "Authors@R": "c(person(given = \"Achim\", family = \"Zeileis\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0918-3766\")), person(given = \"Yves\", family = \"Croissant\", role = \"aut\", email = \"\"))",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 2.0.0)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "License": "GPL-2 | GPL-3",
      "NeedsCompilation": "no",
      "Author": "Achim Zeileis [aut, cre] (<>), Yves Croissant [aut]",
      "Maintainer": "Achim Zeileis <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "Hmisc": {
      "Package": "Hmisc",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "5.2-2",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Date": "2025-01-10",
      "Title": "Harrell Miscellaneous",
      "Authors@R": "c(person(given = \"Frank E\", family = \"Harrell Jr\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-8271-5493\")), person(given = \"Charles\", family = \"Dupont\", role = \"ctb\", email = \"\", comment = \"contributed several functions and maintains latex functions\"))",
      "Maintainer": "Frank E Harrell Jr <>",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 4.2.0)"
      "Imports": [
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
        "htmlTable (>= 1.11.0)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Suggests": [
        "plotly (>= 4.5.6)",
      "Description": "Contains many functions useful for data analysis, high-level graphics, utility operations, functions for computing sample size and power, simulation, importing and annotating datasets, imputing missing values, advanced table making, variable clustering, character string manipulation, conversion of R objects to LaTeX and html code, recoding variables, caching, simplified parallel computing, encrypting and decrypting data using a safe workflow, general moving window statistical estimation, and assistance in interpreting principal component analysis.",
      "License": "GPL (>= 2)",
      "LazyLoad": "Yes",
      "URL": "",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "RoxygenNote": "7.3.2",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Author": "Frank E Harrell Jr [aut, cre] (<>), Charles Dupont [ctb] (contributed several functions and maintains latex functions)",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "MASS": {
      "Package": "MASS",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "7.3-64",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Priority": "recommended",
      "Date": "2025-01-06",
      "Revision": "$Rev: 3680 $",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 4.4.0)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Imports": [
      "Suggests": [
      "Authors@R": "c(person(\"Brian\", \"Ripley\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\", \"cph\"), email = \"\"), person(\"Bill\", \"Venables\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cph\")), person(c(\"Douglas\", \"M.\"), \"Bates\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Kurt\", \"Hornik\", role = \"trl\", comment = \"partial port ca 1998\"), person(\"Albrecht\", \"Gebhardt\", role = \"trl\", comment = \"partial port ca 1998\"), person(\"David\", \"Firth\", role = \"ctb\", comment = \"support functions for polr\"))",
      "Description": "Functions and datasets to support Venables and Ripley, \"Modern Applied Statistics with S\" (4th edition, 2002).",
      "Title": "Support Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley's MASS",
      "LazyData": "yes",
      "ByteCompile": "yes",
      "License": "GPL-2 | GPL-3",
      "URL": "",
      "Contact": "<>",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Author": "Brian Ripley [aut, cre, cph], Bill Venables [aut, cph], Douglas M. Bates [ctb], Kurt Hornik [trl] (partial port ca 1998), Albrecht Gebhardt [trl] (partial port ca 1998), David Firth [ctb] (support functions for polr)",
      "Maintainer": "Brian Ripley <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "Matrix": {
      "Package": "Matrix",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "1.7-2",
      "Source": "Repository",
      "VersionNote": "do also bump src/version.h, inst/include/Matrix/version.h",
      "Date": "2025-01-20",
      "Priority": "recommended",
      "Title": "Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods",
      "Description": "A rich hierarchy of sparse and dense matrix classes, including general, symmetric, triangular, and diagonal matrices with numeric, logical, or pattern entries.  Efficient methods for operating on such matrices, often wrapping the 'BLAS', 'LAPACK', and 'SuiteSparse' libraries.",
      "License": "GPL (>= 2) | file LICENCE",
      "URL": "",
      "BugReports": "",
      "Contact": "",
      "Authors@R": "c(person(\"Douglas\", \"Bates\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-8316-9503\")), person(\"Martin\", \"Maechler\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-8685-9910\")), person(\"Mikael\", \"Jagan\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-3542-2938\")), person(\"Timothy A.\", \"Davis\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-7614-6899\", \"SuiteSparse libraries\", \"collaborators listed in dir(system.file(\\\"doc\\\", \\\"SuiteSparse\\\", package=\\\"Matrix\\\"), pattern=\\\"License\\\", full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)\")), person(\"George\", \"Karypis\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-2753-1437\", \"METIS library\", \"Copyright: Regents of the University of Minnesota\")), person(\"Jason\", \"Riedy\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4345-4200\", \"GNU Octave's condest() and onenormest()\", \"Copyright: Regents of the University of California\")), person(\"Jens\", \"Oehlschlägel\", role = \"ctb\", comment = \"initial nearPD()\"), person(\"R Core Team\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ROR = \"02zz1nj61\", \"base R's matrix implementation\")))",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 4.4)",
      "Imports": [
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Suggests": [
      "Enhances": [
      "LazyData": "no",
      "LazyDataNote": "not possible, since we use data/*.R and our S4 classes",
      "BuildResaveData": "no",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Author": "Douglas Bates [aut] (<>), Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), Mikael Jagan [aut] (<>), Timothy A. Davis [ctb] (<>, SuiteSparse libraries, collaborators listed in dir(system.file(\"doc\", \"SuiteSparse\", package=\"Matrix\"), pattern=\"License\", full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)), George Karypis [ctb] (<>, METIS library, Copyright: Regents of the University of Minnesota), Jason Riedy [ctb] (<>, GNU Octave's condest() and onenormest(), Copyright: Regents of the University of California), Jens Oehlschlägel [ctb] (initial nearPD()), R Core Team [ctb] (02zz1nj61, base R's matrix implementation)",
      "Maintainer": "Martin Maechler <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "R6": {
      "Package": "R6",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "2.6.1",
      "Source": "Repository",
      "Title": "Encapsulated Classes with Reference Semantics",
      "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", , \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")), person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")) )",
      "Description": "Creates classes with reference semantics, similar to R's built-in reference classes. Compared to reference classes, R6 classes are simpler and lighter-weight, and they are not built on S4 classes so they do not require the methods package. These classes allow public and private members, and they support inheritance, even when the classes are defined in different packages.",
      "License": "MIT + file LICENSE",
      "URL": ",",
      "BugReports": "",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 3.6)"
      "Suggests": [
        "testthat (>= 3.0.0)"
      "Config/Needs/website": "tidyverse/tidytemplate, ggplot2, microbenchmark, scales",
      "Config/testthat/edition": "3",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "RoxygenNote": "7.3.2",
      "NeedsCompilation": "no",
      "Author": "Winston Chang [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]",
      "Maintainer": "Winston Chang <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "RColorBrewer": {
      "Package": "RColorBrewer",
      "Version": "1.1-3",
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Date": "2022-04-03",
      "Title": "ColorBrewer Palettes",
      "Authors@R": "c(person(given = \"Erich\", family = \"Neuwirth\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"\"))",
      "Author": "Erich Neuwirth [aut, cre]",
      "Maintainer": "Erich Neuwirth <>",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 2.0.0)"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Description": "Provides color schemes for maps (and other graphics) designed by Cynthia Brewer as described at",
      "License": "Apache License 2.0",
      "NeedsCompilation": "no",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "RODBC": {
      "Package": "RODBC",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "1.3-26",
      "Source": "Repository",
      "Revision": "$Rev: 3674 $",
      "Date": "2024-12-12",
      "Authors@R": "c(person(\"Brian\", \"Ripley\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"\"), person(\"Michael\", \"Lapsley\", role = \"aut\",  comment = \"1999 to Oct 2002\"))",
      "Title": "ODBC Database Access",
      "Description": "An ODBC database interface.",
      "SystemRequirements": "An ODBC3 driver manager and drivers.",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 4.0.0)"
      "Imports": [
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "LazyLoad": "yes",
      "Biarch": "yes",
      "License": "GPL-2 | GPL-3",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Author": "Brian Ripley [aut, cre], Michael Lapsley [aut] (1999 to Oct 2002)",
      "Maintainer": "Brian Ripley <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "RPostgres": {
      "Package": "RPostgres",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "1.4.8",
      "Source": "Repository",
      "Title": "C++ Interface to PostgreSQL",
      "Date": "2025-02-24",
      "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = \"aut\"), person(\"Jeroen\", \"Ooms\", role = \"aut\"), person(\"Kirill\", \"Müller\", , \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-1416-3412\")), person(\"RStudio\", role = \"cph\"), person(\"R Consortium\", role = \"fnd\"), person(\"Tomoaki\", \"Nishiyama\", role = \"ctb\", comment = \"Code for encoding vectors into strings derived from RPostgreSQL\") )",
      "Description": "Fully DBI-compliant C++-backed interface to PostgreSQL <>, an open-source relational database.",
      "License": "MIT + file LICENSE",
      "URL": ",",
      "BugReports": "",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 3.1.0)"
      "Imports": [
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
        "blob (>= 1.2.0)",
        "DBI (>= 1.2.0)",
        "hms (>= 1.0.0)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Suggests": [
        "DBItest (>= 1.7.3)",
        "testthat (>= 3.0.0)"
      "LinkingTo": [
        "plogr (>= 0.2.0)"
      "Config/Needs/website": "r-dbi/dbitemplate",
      "VignetteBuilder": "knitr",
      "Config/Needs/build": "decor",
      "Config/autostyle/scope": "line_breaks",
      "Config/autostyle/strict": "false",
      "Config/testthat/edition": "3",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "LazyLoad": "true",
      "RoxygenNote": "",
      "SystemRequirements": "libpq >= 9.0: libpq-dev (deb) or postgresql-devel (rpm)",
      "Collate": "'PqDriver.R' 'PqConnection.R' 'PqResult.R' 'RPostgres-pkg.R' 'Redshift.R' 'cpp11.R' 'dbAppendTable_PqConnection.R' 'dbBegin_PqConnection.R' 'dbBind_PqResult.R' 'dbClearResult_PqResult.R' 'dbColumnInfo_PqResult.R' 'dbCommit_PqConnection.R' 'dbConnect_PqDriver.R' 'dbConnect_RedshiftDriver.R' 'dbDataType_PqConnection.R' 'dbDataType_PqDriver.R' 'dbDisconnect_PqConnection.R' 'dbExistsTable_PqConnection_Id.R' 'dbExistsTable_PqConnection_character.R' 'dbFetch_PqResult.R' 'dbGetInfo_PqConnection.R' 'dbGetInfo_PqDriver.R' 'dbGetRowCount_PqResult.R' 'dbGetRowsAffected_PqResult.R' 'dbGetStatement_PqResult.R' 'dbHasCompleted_PqResult.R' 'dbIsValid_PqConnection.R' 'dbIsValid_PqDriver.R' 'dbIsValid_PqResult.R' 'dbListFields_PqConnection_Id.R' 'dbListFields_PqConnection_character.R' 'dbListObjects_PqConnection_ANY.R' 'dbListTables_PqConnection.R' 'dbQuoteIdentifier_PqConnection_Id.R' 'dbQuoteIdentifier_PqConnection_SQL.R' 'dbQuoteIdentifier_PqConnection_character.R' 'dbQuoteLiteral_PqConnection.R' 'dbQuoteString_PqConnection_SQL.R' 'dbQuoteString_PqConnection_character.R' 'dbReadTable_PqConnection_character.R' 'dbRemoveTable_PqConnection_character.R' 'dbRollback_PqConnection.R' 'dbSendQuery_PqConnection.R' 'dbUnloadDriver_PqDriver.R' 'dbUnquoteIdentifier_PqConnection_SQL.R' 'dbWriteTable_PqConnection_character_data.frame.R' 'default.R' 'export.R' 'quote.R' 'show_PqConnection.R' 'sqlData_PqConnection.R' 'tables.R' 'transactions.R' 'utils.R'",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Author": "Hadley Wickham [aut], Jeroen Ooms [aut], Kirill Müller [aut, cre] (<>), RStudio [cph], R Consortium [fnd], Tomoaki Nishiyama [ctb] (Code for encoding vectors into strings derived from RPostgreSQL)",
      "Maintainer": "Kirill Müller <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "Rcpp": {
      "Package": "Rcpp",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "1.0.14",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Title": "Seamless R and C++ Integration",
      "Date": "2025-01-11",
      "Authors@R": "c(person(\"Dirk\", \"Eddelbuettel\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-6419-907X\")), person(\"Romain\", \"Francois\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-2444-4226\")), person(\"JJ\", \"Allaire\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0174-9868\")), person(\"Kevin\", \"Ushey\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-2880-7407\")), person(\"Qiang\", \"Kou\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-6786-5453\")), person(\"Nathan\", \"Russell\", role = \"aut\"), person(\"Iñaki\", \"Ucar\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-6403-5550\")), person(\"Doug\", \"Bates\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-8316-9503\")), person(\"John\", \"Chambers\", role = \"aut\"))",
      "Description": "The 'Rcpp' package provides R functions as well as C++ classes which offer a seamless integration of R and C++. Many R data types and objects can be mapped back and forth to C++ equivalents which facilitates both writing of new code as well as easier integration of third-party libraries. Documentation about 'Rcpp' is provided by several vignettes included in this package, via the 'Rcpp Gallery' site at <>, the paper by Eddelbuettel and Francois (2011, <doi:10.18637/jss.v040.i08>), the book by Eddelbuettel (2013, <doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-6868-4>) and the paper by Eddelbuettel and Balamuta (2018, <doi:10.1080/00031305.2017.1375990>); see 'citation(\"Rcpp\")' for details.",
      "Imports": [
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Suggests": [
        "pkgKitten (>= 0.1.2)"
      "URL": ",,",
      "License": "GPL (>= 2)",
      "BugReports": "",
      "MailingList": "",
      "RoxygenNote": "6.1.1",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Author": "Dirk Eddelbuettel [aut, cre] (<>), Romain Francois [aut] (<>), JJ Allaire [aut] (<>), Kevin Ushey [aut] (<>), Qiang Kou [aut] (<>), Nathan Russell [aut], Iñaki Ucar [aut] (<>), Doug Bates [aut] (<>), John Chambers [aut]",
      "Maintainer": "Dirk Eddelbuettel <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "backports": {
      "Package": "backports",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "1.5.0",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Type": "Package",
      "Title": "Reimplementations of Functions Introduced Since R-3.0.0",
      "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Michel\", \"Lang\", NULL, \"\", role = c(\"cre\", \"aut\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-9754-0393\")), person(\"Duncan\", \"Murdoch\", NULL, \"\", role = c(\"aut\")), person(\"R Core Team\", role = \"aut\"))",
      "Maintainer": "Michel Lang <>",
      "Description": "Functions introduced or changed since R v3.0.0 are re-implemented in this package. The backports are conditionally exported in order to let R resolve the function name to either the implemented backport, or the respective base version, if available. Package developers can make use of new functions or arguments by selectively importing specific backports to support older installations.",
      "URL": "",
      "BugReports": "",
      "License": "GPL-2 | GPL-3",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "ByteCompile": "yes",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 3.0.0)"
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "RoxygenNote": "7.3.1",
      "Author": "Michel Lang [cre, aut] (<>), Duncan Murdoch [aut], R Core Team [aut]",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "base64enc": {
      "Package": "base64enc",
      "Version": "0.1-3",
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Title": "Tools for base64 encoding",
      "Author": "Simon Urbanek <>",
      "Maintainer": "Simon Urbanek <>",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 2.9.0)"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Enhances": [
      "Description": "This package provides tools for handling base64 encoding. It is more flexible than the orphaned base64 package.",
      "License": "GPL-2 | GPL-3",
      "URL": "",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "bit": {
      "Package": "bit",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "",
      "Source": "Repository",
      "Type": "Package",
      "Title": "Classes and Methods for Fast Memory-Efficient Boolean Selections",
      "Date": "2024-09-17",
      "Authors@R": "c(person(given = \"Jens\", family = \"Oehlschlägel\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"\"), person(given = \"Brian\", family = \"Ripley\", role = \"ctb\"))",
      "Author": "Jens Oehlschlägel [aut, cre], Brian Ripley [ctb]",
      "Maintainer": "Jens Oehlschlägel <>",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 3.4.0)"
      "Suggests": [
        "testthat (>= 0.11.0)",
        "bit64 (>= 4.0.0)",
        "ff (>= 4.0.0)"
      "Description": "Provided are classes for boolean and skewed boolean vectors, fast boolean methods, fast unique and non-unique integer sorting, fast set operations on sorted and unsorted sets of integers, and foundations for ff (range index, compression, chunked processing).",
      "License": "GPL-2 | GPL-3",
      "LazyLoad": "yes",
      "ByteCompile": "yes",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "URL": "",
      "VignetteBuilder": "knitr, rmarkdown",
      "RoxygenNote": "7.3.2",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "bit64": {
      "Package": "bit64",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "4.6.0-1",
      "Source": "Repository",
      "Title": "A S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers",
      "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Michael\", \"Chirico\", email = \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")), person(\"Jens\", \"Oehlschlägel\", role = \"aut\"), person(\"Leonardo\", \"Silvestri\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Ofek\", \"Shilon\", role = \"ctb\") )",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 3.4.0)",
        "bit (>= 4.0.0)"
      "Description": "Package 'bit64' provides serializable S3 atomic 64bit (signed) integers. These are useful for handling database keys and exact counting in +-2^63. WARNING: do not use them as replacement for 32bit integers, integer64 are not supported for subscripting by R-core and they have different semantics when combined with double, e.g. integer64 + double => integer64. Class integer64 can be used in vectors, matrices, arrays and data.frames. Methods are available for coercion from and to logicals, integers, doubles, characters and factors as well as many elementwise and summary functions. Many fast algorithmic operations such as 'match' and 'order' support inter- active data exploration and manipulation and optionally leverage caching.",
      "License": "GPL-2 | GPL-3",
      "LazyLoad": "yes",
      "ByteCompile": "yes",
      "URL": "",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "Imports": [
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Suggests": [
        "testthat (>= 3.0.3)",
      "Config/testthat/edition": "3",
      "Config/needs/development": "testthat",
      "RoxygenNote": "7.3.2",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Author": "Michael Chirico [aut, cre], Jens Oehlschlägel [aut], Leonardo Silvestri [ctb], Ofek Shilon [ctb]",
      "Maintainer": "Michael Chirico <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "blob": {
      "Package": "blob",
      "Version": "1.2.4",
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Title": "A Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data ('BLOBS')",
      "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = \"aut\"), person(\"Kirill\", \"Müller\", , \"\", role = \"cre\"), person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")) )",
      "Description": "R's raw vector is useful for storing a single binary object. What if you want to put a vector of them in a data frame? The 'blob' package provides the blob object, a list of raw vectors, suitable for use as a column in data frame.",
      "License": "MIT + file LICENSE",
      "URL": ",",
      "BugReports": "",
      "Imports": [
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
        "vctrs (>= 0.2.1)"
      "Suggests": [
        "pillar (>= 1.2.1)",
      "Config/autostyle/scope": "line_breaks",
      "Config/autostyle/strict": "false",
      "Config/Needs/website": "tidyverse/tidytemplate",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "RoxygenNote": "7.2.3",
      "NeedsCompilation": "no",
      "Author": "Hadley Wickham [aut], Kirill Müller [cre], RStudio [cph, fnd]",
      "Maintainer": "Kirill Müller <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "bslib": {
      "Package": "bslib",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "0.9.0",
      "Source": "Repository",
      "Title": "Custom 'Bootstrap' 'Sass' Themes for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown'",
      "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Carson\", \"Sievert\", , \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4958-2844\")), person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"), person(\"Garrick\", \"Aden-Buie\", , \"\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-7111-0077\")), person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")), person(, \"Bootstrap contributors\", role = \"ctb\", comment = \"Bootstrap library\"), person(, \"Twitter, Inc\", role = \"cph\", comment = \"Bootstrap library\"), person(\"Javi\", \"Aguilar\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"Bootstrap colorpicker library\"), person(\"Thomas\", \"Park\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"Bootswatch library\"), person(, \"PayPal\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"Bootstrap accessibility plugin\") )",
      "Description": "Simplifies custom 'CSS' styling of both 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown' via 'Bootstrap' 'Sass'. Supports 'Bootstrap' 3, 4 and 5 as well as their various 'Bootswatch' themes. An interactive widget is also provided for previewing themes in real time.",
      "License": "MIT + file LICENSE",
      "URL": ",",
      "BugReports": "",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 2.10)"
      "Imports": [
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
        "fastmap (>= 1.1.1)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
        "htmltools (>= 0.5.8)",
        "jquerylib (>= 0.1.3)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
        "memoise (>= 2.0.1)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
        "sass (>= 0.4.9)"
      "Suggests": [
        "rmarkdown (>= 2.7)",
        "shiny (> 1.8.1)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Config/Needs/deploy": "BH, chiflights22, colourpicker, commonmark, cpp11, cpsievert/chiflights22, cpsievert/histoslider, dplyr, DT, ggplot2, ggridges, gt, hexbin, histoslider, htmlwidgets, lattice, leaflet, lubridate, markdown, modelr, plotly, reactable, reshape2, rprojroot, rsconnect, rstudio/shiny, scales, styler, tibble",
      "Config/Needs/routine": "chromote, desc, renv",
      "Config/Needs/website": "brio, crosstalk, dplyr, DT, ggplot2, glue, htmlwidgets, leaflet, lorem, palmerpenguins, plotly, purrr, rprojroot, rstudio/htmltools, scales, stringr, tidyr, webshot2",
      "Config/testthat/edition": "3",
      "Config/testthat/parallel": "true",
      "Config/testthat/start-first": "zzzz-bs-sass, fonts, zzz-precompile, theme-*, rmd-*",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "RoxygenNote": "7.3.2",
      "Collate": "'accordion.R' 'breakpoints.R' 'bs-current-theme.R' 'bs-dependencies.R' 'bs-global.R' 'bs-remove.R' 'bs-theme-layers.R' 'bs-theme-preset-bootswatch.R' 'bs-theme-preset-brand.R' 'bs-theme-preset-builtin.R' 'bs-theme-preset.R' 'utils.R' 'bs-theme-preview.R' 'bs-theme-update.R' 'bs-theme.R' 'bslib-package.R' 'buttons.R' 'card.R' 'deprecated.R' 'files.R' 'fill.R' 'imports.R' 'input-dark-mode.R' 'input-switch.R' 'layout.R' 'nav-items.R' 'nav-update.R' 'navbar_options.R' 'navs-legacy.R' 'navs.R' 'onLoad.R' 'page.R' 'popover.R' 'precompiled.R' 'print.R' 'shiny-devmode.R' 'sidebar.R' 'staticimports.R' 'tooltip.R' 'utils-deps.R' 'utils-shiny.R' 'utils-tags.R' 'value-box.R' 'version-default.R' 'versions.R'",
      "NeedsCompilation": "no",
      "Author": "Carson Sievert [aut, cre] (<>), Joe Cheng [aut], Garrick Aden-Buie [aut] (<>), Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd], Bootstrap contributors [ctb] (Bootstrap library), Twitter, Inc [cph] (Bootstrap library), Javi Aguilar [ctb, cph] (Bootstrap colorpicker library), Thomas Park [ctb, cph] (Bootswatch library), PayPal [ctb, cph] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin)",
      "Maintainer": "Carson Sievert <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "cachem": {
      "Package": "cachem",
      "Version": "1.1.0",
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Title": "Cache R Objects with Automatic Pruning",
      "Description": "Key-value stores with automatic pruning. Caches can limit either their total size or the age of the oldest object (or both), automatically pruning objects to maintain the constraints.",
      "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", , \"\", c(\"aut\", \"cre\")), person(family = \"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")))",
      "License": "MIT + file LICENSE",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "ByteCompile": "true",
      "URL": ",",
      "Imports": [
        "fastmap (>= 1.2.0)"
      "Suggests": [
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "RoxygenNote": "7.2.3",
      "Config/Needs/routine": "lobstr",
      "Config/Needs/website": "pkgdown",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Author": "Winston Chang [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]",
      "Maintainer": "Winston Chang <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "checkmate": {
      "Package": "checkmate",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "2.3.2",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Type": "Package",
      "Title": "Fast and Versatile Argument Checks",
      "Description": "Tests and assertions to perform frequent argument checks. A substantial part of the package was written in C to minimize any worries about execution time overhead.",
      "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Michel\", \"Lang\", NULL, \"\", role = c(\"cre\", \"aut\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-9754-0393\")), person(\"Bernd\", \"Bischl\", NULL, \"\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Dénes\", \"Tóth\", NULL, \"\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4262-3217\")) )",
      "URL": ",",
      "URLNote": "",
      "BugReports": "",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "ByteCompile": "yes",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 3.0.0)"
      "Imports": [
        "backports (>= 1.1.0)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Suggests": [
        "data.table (>= 1.9.8)",
        "testthat (>= 3.0.4)",
        "tinytest (>= 1.1.0)",
      "License": "BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE",
      "VignetteBuilder": "knitr",
      "RoxygenNote": "7.3.2",
      "Collate": "'AssertCollection.R' 'allMissing.R' 'anyInfinite.R' 'anyMissing.R' 'anyNaN.R' 'asInteger.R' 'assert.R' 'helper.R' 'makeExpectation.R' 'makeTest.R' 'makeAssertion.R' 'checkAccess.R' 'checkArray.R' 'checkAtomic.R' 'checkAtomicVector.R' 'checkCharacter.R' 'checkChoice.R' 'checkClass.R' 'checkComplex.R' 'checkCount.R' 'checkDataFrame.R' 'checkDataTable.R' 'checkDate.R' 'checkDirectoryExists.R' 'checkDisjunct.R' 'checkDouble.R' 'checkEnvironment.R' 'checkFALSE.R' 'checkFactor.R' 'checkFileExists.R' 'checkFlag.R' 'checkFormula.R' 'checkFunction.R' 'checkInt.R' 'checkInteger.R' 'checkIntegerish.R' 'checkList.R' 'checkLogical.R' 'checkMatrix.R' 'checkMultiClass.R' 'checkNamed.R' 'checkNames.R' 'checkNull.R' 'checkNumber.R' 'checkNumeric.R' 'checkOS.R' 'checkPOSIXct.R' 'checkPathForOutput.R' 'checkPermutation.R' 'checkR6.R' 'checkRaw.R' 'checkScalar.R' 'checkScalarNA.R' 'checkSetEqual.R' 'checkString.R' 'checkSubset.R' 'checkTRUE.R' 'checkTibble.R' 'checkVector.R' 'coalesce.R' 'isIntegerish.R' 'matchArg.R' 'qassert.R' 'qassertr.R' 'vname.R' 'wfwl.R' 'zzz.R'",
      "Author": "Michel Lang [cre, aut] (<>), Bernd Bischl [ctb], Dénes Tóth [ctb] (<>)",
      "Maintainer": "Michel Lang <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "cli": {
      "Package": "cli",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "3.6.4",
      "Source": "Repository",
      "Title": "Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces",
      "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\", , \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")), person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Kirill\", \"Müller\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Salim\", \"Brüggemann\", , \"\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-5329-5987\")), person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")) )",
      "Description": "A suite of tools to build attractive command line interfaces ('CLIs'), from semantic elements: headings, lists, alerts, paragraphs, etc. Supports custom themes via a 'CSS'-like language. It also contains a number of lower level 'CLI' elements: rules, boxes, trees, and 'Unicode' symbols with 'ASCII' alternatives. It support ANSI colors and text styles as well.",
      "License": "MIT + file LICENSE",
      "URL": ",",
      "BugReports": "",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 3.4)"
      "Imports": [
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Suggests": [
        "glue (>= 1.6.0)",
        "ps (>=",
        "rlang (>=",
        "testthat (>= 3.2.0)",
      "Config/Needs/website": "r-lib/asciicast, bench, brio, cpp11, decor, desc, fansi, prettyunits, sessioninfo, tidyverse/tidytemplate, usethis, vctrs",
      "Config/testthat/edition": "3",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "RoxygenNote": "7.3.2",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Author": "Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre], Hadley Wickham [ctb], Kirill Müller [ctb], Salim Brüggemann [ctb] (<>), Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]",
      "Maintainer": "Gábor Csárdi <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "cluster": {
      "Package": "cluster",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "2.1.8",
      "Source": "Repository",
      "VersionNote": "Last CRAN: 2.1.7 on 2024-12-06; 2.1.6 on 2023-11-30; 2.1.5 on 2023-11-27",
      "Date": "2024-12-10",
      "Priority": "recommended",
      "Title": "\"Finding Groups in Data\": Cluster Analysis Extended Rousseeuw et al.",
      "Description": "Methods for Cluster analysis.  Much extended the original from Peter Rousseeuw, Anja Struyf and Mia Hubert, based on Kaufman and Rousseeuw (1990) \"Finding Groups in Data\".",
      "Maintainer": "Martin Maechler <>",
      "Authors@R": "c(person(\"Martin\",\"Maechler\", role = c(\"aut\",\"cre\"), email=\"\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-8685-9910\")) ,person(\"Peter\", \"Rousseeuw\", role=\"aut\", email=\"\", comment = c(\"Fortran original\", ORCID = \"0000-0002-3807-5353\")) ,person(\"Anja\", \"Struyf\", role=\"aut\", comment= \"S original\") ,person(\"Mia\", \"Hubert\", role=\"aut\", email= \"\", comment = c(\"S original\", ORCID = \"0000-0001-6398-4850\")) ,person(\"Kurt\", \"Hornik\", role=c(\"trl\", \"ctb\"), email=\"\", comment=c(\"port to R; maintenance(1999-2000)\", ORCID=\"0000-0003-4198-9911\")) ,person(\"Matthias\", \"Studer\", role=\"ctb\") ,person(\"Pierre\", \"Roudier\", role=\"ctb\") ,person(\"Juan\",   \"Gonzalez\", role=\"ctb\") ,person(\"Kamil\",  \"Kozlowski\", role=\"ctb\") ,person(\"Erich\",  \"Schubert\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(\"fastpam options for pam()\", ORCID = \"0000-0001-9143-4880\")) ,person(\"Keefe\",  \"Murphy\", role=\"ctb\", comment = \"volume.ellipsoid({d >= 3})\") #not yet ,person(\"Fischer-Rasmussen\", \"Kasper\", role = \"ctb\", comment = \"Gower distance for CLARA\") )",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 3.5.0)"
      "Imports": [
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Suggests": [
      "SuggestsNote": "MASS: two examples using cov.rob() and mvrnorm(); Matrix tools for testing",
      "Enhances": [
      "EnhancesNote": "xref-ed in man/*.Rd",
      "LazyLoad": "yes",
      "LazyData": "yes",
      "ByteCompile": "yes",
      "BuildResaveData": "no",
      "License": "GPL (>= 2)",
      "URL": "",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Author": "Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), Peter Rousseeuw [aut] (Fortran original, <>), Anja Struyf [aut] (S original), Mia Hubert [aut] (S original, <>), Kurt Hornik [trl, ctb] (port to R; maintenance(1999-2000), <>), Matthias Studer [ctb], Pierre Roudier [ctb], Juan Gonzalez [ctb], Kamil Kozlowski [ctb], Erich Schubert [ctb] (fastpam options for pam(), <>), Keefe Murphy [ctb] (volume.ellipsoid({d >= 3}))",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "colorspace": {
      "Package": "colorspace",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "2.1-1",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Date": "2024-07-26",
      "Title": "A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes",
      "Authors@R": "c(person(given = \"Ross\", family = \"Ihaka\", role = \"aut\", email = \"\"), person(given = \"Paul\", family = \"Murrell\", role = \"aut\", email = \"\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-3224-8858\")), person(given = \"Kurt\", family = \"Hornik\", role = \"aut\", email = \"\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4198-9911\")), person(given = c(\"Jason\", \"C.\"), family = \"Fisher\", role = \"aut\", email = \"\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-9032-8912\")), person(given = \"Reto\", family = \"Stauffer\", role = \"aut\", email = \"\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-3798-5507\")), person(given = c(\"Claus\", \"O.\"), family = \"Wilke\", role = \"aut\", email = \"\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-7470-9261\")), person(given = c(\"Claire\", \"D.\"), family = \"McWhite\", role = \"aut\", email = \"\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-7346-3047\")), person(given = \"Achim\", family = \"Zeileis\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0918-3766\")))",
      "Description": "Carries out mapping between assorted color spaces including RGB, HSV, HLS, CIEXYZ, CIELUV, HCL (polar CIELUV), CIELAB, and polar CIELAB. Qualitative, sequential, and diverging color palettes based on HCL colors are provided along with corresponding ggplot2 color scales. Color palette choice is aided by an interactive app (with either a Tcl/Tk or a shiny graphical user interface) and shiny apps with an HCL color picker and a color vision deficiency emulator. Plotting functions for displaying and assessing palettes include color swatches, visualizations of the HCL space, and trajectories in HCL and/or RGB spectrum. Color manipulation functions include: desaturation, lightening/darkening, mixing, and simulation of color vision deficiencies (deutanomaly, protanomaly, tritanomaly). Details can be found on the project web page at <> and in the accompanying scientific paper: Zeileis et al. (2020, Journal of Statistical Software, <doi:10.18637/jss.v096.i01>).",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 3.0.0)",
      "Imports": [
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Suggests": [
      "VignetteBuilder": "knitr",
      "License": "BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE",
      "URL": ",",
      "BugReports": "",
      "LazyData": "yes",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "RoxygenNote": "7.3.1",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Author": "Ross Ihaka [aut], Paul Murrell [aut] (<>), Kurt Hornik [aut] (<>), Jason C. Fisher [aut] (<>), Reto Stauffer [aut] (<>), Claus O. Wilke [aut] (<>), Claire D. McWhite [aut] (<>), Achim Zeileis [aut, cre] (<>)",
      "Maintainer": "Achim Zeileis <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "cpp11": {
      "Package": "cpp11",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "0.5.1",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Title": "A C++11 Interface for R's C Interface",
      "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Davis\", \"Vaughan\", email = \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4777-038X\")), person(\"Jim\",\"Hester\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-2739-7082\")), person(\"Romain\", \"François\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-2444-4226\")), person(\"Benjamin\", \"Kietzman\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")) )",
      "Description": "Provides a header only, C++11 interface to R's C interface.  Compared to other approaches 'cpp11' strives to be safe against long jumps from the C API as well as C++ exceptions, conform to normal R function semantics and supports interaction with 'ALTREP' vectors.",
      "License": "MIT + file LICENSE",
      "URL": ",",
      "BugReports": "",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 4.0.0)"
      "Suggests": [
        "testthat (>= 3.2.0)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "VignetteBuilder": "knitr",
      "Config/Needs/website": "tidyverse/tidytemplate",
      "Config/testthat/edition": "3",
      "Config/Needs/cpp11/cpp_register": "brio, cli, decor, desc, glue, tibble, vctrs",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "RoxygenNote": "7.3.2",
      "NeedsCompilation": "no",
      "Author": "Davis Vaughan [aut, cre] (<>), Jim Hester [aut] (<>), Romain François [aut] (<>), Benjamin Kietzman [ctb], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]",
      "Maintainer": "Davis Vaughan <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "data.table": {
      "Package": "data.table",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "1.17.0",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Title": "Extension of `data.frame`",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 3.3.0)"
      "Imports": [
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Suggests": [
        "bit64 (>= 4.0.0)",
        "bit (>= 4.0.4)",
        "zoo (>= 1.8-1)",
      "Description": "Fast aggregation of large data (e.g. 100GB in RAM), fast ordered joins, fast add/modify/delete of columns by group using no copies at all, list columns, friendly and fast character-separated-value read/write. Offers a natural and flexible syntax, for faster development.",
      "License": "MPL-2.0 | file LICENSE",
      "URL": ",,",
      "BugReports": "",
      "VignetteBuilder": "knitr",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "ByteCompile": "TRUE",
      "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Tyson\",\"Barrett\",        role=c(\"aut\",\"cre\"), email=\"\", comment = c(ORCID=\"0000-0002-2137-1391\")), person(\"Matt\",\"Dowle\",           role=\"aut\",          email=\"\"), person(\"Arun\",\"Srinivasan\",      role=\"aut\",          email=\"\"), person(\"Jan\",\"Gorecki\",          role=\"aut\"), person(\"Michael\",\"Chirico\",      role=\"aut\", comment = c(ORCID=\"0000-0003-0787-087X\")), person(\"Toby\",\"Hocking\",         role=\"aut\", comment = c(ORCID=\"0000-0002-3146-0865\")), person(\"Benjamin\",\"Schwendinger\",role=\"aut\", comment = c(ORCID=\"0000-0003-3315-8114\")), person(\"Ivan\", \"Krylov\",         role=\"aut\",          email=\"\",   comment = c(ORCID=\"0000-0002-0172-3812\")), person(\"Pasha\",\"Stetsenko\",      role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Tom\",\"Short\",            role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Steve\",\"Lianoglou\",      role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Eduard\",\"Antonyan\",      role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Markus\",\"Bonsch\",        role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Hugh\",\"Parsonage\",       role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Scott\",\"Ritchie\",        role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Kun\",\"Ren\",              role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Xianying\",\"Tan\",         role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Rick\",\"Saporta\",         role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Otto\",\"Seiskari\",        role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Xianghui\",\"Dong\",        role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Michel\",\"Lang\",          role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Watal\",\"Iwasaki\",        role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Seth\",\"Wenchel\",         role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Karl\",\"Broman\",          role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Tobias\",\"Schmidt\",       role=\"ctb\"), person(\"David\",\"Arenburg\",       role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Ethan\",\"Smith\",          role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Francois\",\"Cocquemas\",   role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Matthieu\",\"Gomez\",       role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Philippe\",\"Chataignon\",  role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Nello\",\"Blaser\",         role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Dmitry\",\"Selivanov\",     role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Andrey\",\"Riabushenko\",   role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Cheng\",\"Lee\",            role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Declan\",\"Groves\",        role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Daniel\",\"Possenriede\",   role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Felipe\",\"Parages\",       role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Denes\",\"Toth\",           role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Mus\",\"Yaramaz-David\",    role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Ayappan\",\"Perumal\",      role=\"ctb\"), person(\"James\",\"Sams\",           role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Martin\",\"Morgan\",        role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Michael\",\"Quinn\",        role=\"ctb\"), person(\"@javrucebo\",\"\",          role=\"ctb\"), person(\"@marc-outins\",\"\",        role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Roy\",\"Storey\",           role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Manish\",\"Saraswat\",      role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Morgan\",\"Jacob\",         role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Michael\",\"Schubmehl\",    role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Davis\",\"Vaughan\",        role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Leonardo\",\"Silvestri\",   role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Jim\",\"Hester\",           role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Anthony\",\"Damico\",       role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Sebastian\",\"Freundt\",    role=\"ctb\"), person(\"David\",\"Simons\",         role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Elliott\",\"Sales de Andrade\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Cole\",\"Miller\",          role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Jens Peder\",\"Meldgaard\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Vaclav\",\"Tlapak\",        role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Kevin\",\"Ushey\",          role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Dirk\",\"Eddelbuettel\",    role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Tony\",\"Fischetti\",       role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Ofek\",\"Shilon\",          role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Vadim\",\"Khotilovich\",    role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Hadley\",\"Wickham\",       role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Bennet\",\"Becker\",        role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Kyle\",\"Haynes\",          role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Boniface Christian\",\"Kamgang\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Olivier\",\"Delmarcell\",   role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Josh\",\"O'Brien\",         role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Dereck\",\"de Mezquita\",   role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Michael\",\"Czekanski\",    role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Dmitry\", \"Shemetov\",     role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Nitish\", \"Jha\",          role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Joshua\", \"Wu\",           role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Iago\", \"Giné-Vázquez\",   role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Anirban\", \"Chetia\",      role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Doris\", \"Amoakohene\",    role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Angel\", \"Feliz\",         role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Michael\",\"Young\",        role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Mark\", \"Seeto\",          role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Philippe\", \"Grosjean\",   role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Vincent\", \"Runge\",       role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Christian\", \"Wia\",       role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Elise\", \"Maigné\",        role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Vincent\", \"Rocher\",      role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Vijay\", \"Lulla\",         role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Aljaž\", \"Sluga\",         role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Bill\", \"Evans\",          role=\"ctb\") )",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Author": "Tyson Barrett [aut, cre] (<>), Matt Dowle [aut], Arun Srinivasan [aut], Jan Gorecki [aut], Michael Chirico [aut] (<>), Toby Hocking [aut] (<>), Benjamin Schwendinger [aut] (<>), Ivan Krylov [aut] (<>), Pasha Stetsenko [ctb], Tom Short [ctb], Steve Lianoglou [ctb], Eduard Antonyan [ctb], Markus Bonsch [ctb], Hugh Parsonage [ctb], Scott Ritchie [ctb], Kun Ren [ctb], Xianying Tan [ctb], Rick Saporta [ctb], Otto Seiskari [ctb], Xianghui Dong [ctb], Michel Lang [ctb], Watal Iwasaki [ctb], Seth Wenchel [ctb], Karl Broman [ctb], Tobias Schmidt [ctb], David Arenburg [ctb], Ethan Smith [ctb], Francois Cocquemas [ctb], Matthieu Gomez [ctb], Philippe Chataignon [ctb], Nello Blaser [ctb], Dmitry Selivanov [ctb], Andrey Riabushenko [ctb], Cheng Lee [ctb], Declan Groves [ctb], Daniel Possenriede [ctb], Felipe Parages [ctb], Denes Toth [ctb], Mus Yaramaz-David [ctb], Ayappan Perumal [ctb], James Sams [ctb], Martin Morgan [ctb], Michael Quinn [ctb], @javrucebo [ctb], @marc-outins [ctb], Roy Storey [ctb], Manish Saraswat [ctb], Morgan Jacob [ctb], Michael Schubmehl [ctb], Davis Vaughan [ctb], Leonardo Silvestri [ctb], Jim Hester [ctb], Anthony Damico [ctb], Sebastian Freundt [ctb], David Simons [ctb], Elliott Sales de Andrade [ctb], Cole Miller [ctb], Jens Peder Meldgaard [ctb], Vaclav Tlapak [ctb], Kevin Ushey [ctb], Dirk Eddelbuettel [ctb], Tony Fischetti [ctb], Ofek Shilon [ctb], Vadim Khotilovich [ctb], Hadley Wickham [ctb], Bennet Becker [ctb], Kyle Haynes [ctb], Boniface Christian Kamgang [ctb], Olivier Delmarcell [ctb], Josh O'Brien [ctb], Dereck de Mezquita [ctb], Michael Czekanski [ctb], Dmitry Shemetov [ctb], Nitish Jha [ctb], Joshua Wu [ctb], Iago Giné-Vázquez [ctb], Anirban Chetia [ctb], Doris Amoakohene [ctb], Angel Feliz [ctb], Michael Young [ctb], Mark Seeto [ctb], Philippe Grosjean [ctb], Vincent Runge [ctb], Christian Wia [ctb], Elise Maigné [ctb], Vincent Rocher [ctb], Vijay Lulla [ctb], Aljaž Sluga [ctb], Bill Evans [ctb]",
      "Maintainer": "Tyson Barrett <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "digest": {
      "Package": "digest",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "0.6.37",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Authors@R": "c(person(\"Dirk\", \"Eddelbuettel\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-6419-907X\")), person(\"Antoine\", \"Lucas\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Jarek\", \"Tuszynski\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Henrik\", \"Bengtsson\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-7579-5165\")), person(\"Simon\", \"Urbanek\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-2297-1732\")), person(\"Mario\", \"Frasca\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Bryan\", \"Lewis\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Murray\", \"Stokely\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Hannes\", \"Muehleisen\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Duncan\", \"Murdoch\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Jim\", \"Hester\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Wush\", \"Wu\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-5180-0567\")), person(\"Qiang\", \"Kou\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-6786-5453\")), person(\"Thierry\", \"Onkelinx\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-8804-4216\")), person(\"Michel\", \"Lang\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-9754-0393\")), person(\"Viliam\", \"Simko\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Kurt\", \"Hornik\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4198-9911\")), person(\"Radford\", \"Neal\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-2473-3407\")), person(\"Kendon\", \"Bell\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-9093-8312\")), person(\"Matthew\", \"de Queljoe\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Dmitry\", \"Selivanov\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Ion\", \"Suruceanu\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Bill\", \"Denney\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Dirk\", \"Schumacher\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"András\", \"Svraka\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Sergey\", \"Fedorov\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Will\", \"Landau\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-1878-3253\")), person(\"Floris\", \"Vanderhaeghe\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-6378-6229\")), person(\"Kevin\", \"Tappe\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Harris\", \"McGehee\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Tim\", \"Mastny\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Aaron\", \"Peikert\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-7813-818X\")), person(\"Mark\", \"van der Loo\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-9807-4686\")), person(\"Chris\", \"Muir\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-2555-3878\")), person(\"Moritz\", \"Beller\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4852-0526\")), person(\"Sebastian\", \"Campbell\", role=\"ctb\"), person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-1576-2126\")), person(\"Dean\", \"Attali\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-5645-3493\")), person(\"Michael\", \"Chirico\", role=\"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0787-087X\")), person(\"Kevin\", \"Ushey\", role=\"ctb\"))",
      "Date": "2024-08-19",
      "Title": "Create Compact Hash Digests of R Objects",
      "Description": "Implementation of a function 'digest()' for the creation of hash digests of arbitrary R objects (using the 'md5', 'sha-1', 'sha-256', 'crc32', 'xxhash', 'murmurhash', 'spookyhash', 'blake3', 'crc32c', 'xxh3_64', and 'xxh3_128' algorithms) permitting easy comparison of R language objects, as well as functions such as'hmac()' to create hash-based message authentication code. Please note that this package is not meant to be deployed for cryptographic purposes for which more comprehensive (and widely tested) libraries such as 'OpenSSL' should be used.",
      "URL": ",",
      "BugReports": "",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 3.3.0)"
      "Imports": [
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "License": "GPL (>= 2)",
      "Suggests": [
      "VignetteBuilder": "simplermarkdown",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Author": "Dirk Eddelbuettel [aut, cre] (<>), Antoine Lucas [ctb], Jarek Tuszynski [ctb], Henrik Bengtsson [ctb] (<>), Simon Urbanek [ctb] (<>), Mario Frasca [ctb], Bryan Lewis [ctb], Murray Stokely [ctb], Hannes Muehleisen [ctb], Duncan Murdoch [ctb], Jim Hester [ctb], Wush Wu [ctb] (<>), Qiang Kou [ctb] (<>), Thierry Onkelinx [ctb] (<>), Michel Lang [ctb] (<>), Viliam Simko [ctb], Kurt Hornik [ctb] (<>), Radford Neal [ctb] (<>), Kendon Bell [ctb] (<>), Matthew de Queljoe [ctb], Dmitry Selivanov [ctb], Ion Suruceanu [ctb], Bill Denney [ctb], Dirk Schumacher [ctb], András Svraka [ctb], Sergey Fedorov [ctb], Will Landau [ctb] (<>), Floris Vanderhaeghe [ctb] (<>), Kevin Tappe [ctb], Harris McGehee [ctb], Tim Mastny [ctb], Aaron Peikert [ctb] (<>), Mark van der Loo [ctb] (<>), Chris Muir [ctb] (<>), Moritz Beller [ctb] (<>), Sebastian Campbell [ctb], Winston Chang [ctb] (<>), Dean Attali [ctb] (<>), Michael Chirico [ctb] (<>), Kevin Ushey [ctb]",
      "Maintainer": "Dirk Eddelbuettel <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "dplyr": {
      "Package": "dplyr",
      "Version": "1.1.4",
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Type": "Package",
      "Title": "A Grammar of Data Manipulation",
      "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4757-117X\")), person(\"Romain\", \"François\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-2444-4226\")), person(\"Lionel\", \"Henry\", role = \"aut\"), person(\"Kirill\", \"Müller\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-1416-3412\")), person(\"Davis\", \"Vaughan\", , \"\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4777-038X\")), person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")) )",
      "Description": "A fast, consistent tool for working with data frame like objects, both in memory and out of memory.",
      "License": "MIT + file LICENSE",
      "URL": ",",
      "BugReports": "",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 3.5.0)"
      "Imports": [
        "cli (>= 3.4.0)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
        "glue (>= 1.3.2)",
        "lifecycle (>= 1.0.3)",
        "magrittr (>= 1.5)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
        "pillar (>= 1.9.0)",
        "rlang (>= 1.1.0)",
        "tibble (>= 3.2.0)",
        "tidyselect (>= 1.2.0)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
        "vctrs (>= 0.6.4)"
      "Suggests": [
        "dbplyr (>= 2.2.1)",
        "stringi (>= 1.7.6)",
        "testthat (>= 3.1.5)",
        "tidyr (>= 1.3.0)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "VignetteBuilder": "knitr",
      "Config/Needs/website": "tidyverse, shiny, pkgdown, tidyverse/tidytemplate",
      "Config/testthat/edition": "3",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "LazyData": "true",
      "RoxygenNote": "7.2.3",
      "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
      "Author": "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre] (<>), Romain François [aut] (<>), Lionel Henry [aut], Kirill Müller [aut] (<>), Davis Vaughan [aut] (<>), Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]",
      "Maintainer": "Hadley Wickham <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "evaluate": {
      "Package": "evaluate",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Version": "1.0.3",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Source": "Repository",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Type": "Package",
      "Title": "Parsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than the Default",
      "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")), person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0645-5666\")), person(\"Michael\", \"Lawrence\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Thomas\", \"Kluyver\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Jeroen\", \"Ooms\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Barret\", \"Schloerke\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Adam\", \"Ryczkowski\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Hiroaki\", \"Yutani\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Michel\", \"Lang\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Karolis\", \"Koncevičius\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")) )",
      "Description": "Parsing and evaluation tools that make it easy to recreate the command line behaviour of R.",
      "License": "MIT + file LICENSE",
      "URL": ",",
      "BugReports": "",
      "Depends": [
        "R (>= 3.6.0)"
      "Suggests": [
        "ggplot2 (>= 3.3.6)",
        "testthat (>= 3.0.0)",
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
      "Config/Needs/website": "tidyverse/tidytemplate",
      "Config/testthat/edition": "3",
      "Encoding": "UTF-8",
      "RoxygenNote": "7.3.2",
      "NeedsCompilation": "no",
      "Author": "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre], Yihui Xie [aut] (<>), Michael Lawrence [ctb], Thomas Kluyver [ctb], Jeroen Ooms [ctb], Barret Schloerke [ctb], Adam Ryczkowski [ctb], Hiroaki Yutani [ctb], Michel Lang [ctb], Karolis Koncevičius [ctb], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]",
      "Maintainer": "Hadley Wickham <>",
      "Repository": "CRAN"
Laurent BEAULATON's avatar
Laurent BEAULATON committed
    "fansi": {