See also [developers documentation](
Debugging might not be possible because of circular dependencies generated by typescript compiler
### Compile (es2015 modules)
This is the preferred way of compiling, notably for usage in Web apps (ngHyd)
### Compile for Node.js (commonjs modules)
Use this if you want to write a CLI application in JS or TS, that will be executed by Node.js (see examples in `/boilerplate`)
npm run build-node
### Generate release package for Node.js (commonjs modules)
npm run package-node
The tsviz package can be used for drawing class diagram of the current code.
There's currently a bug on debian like distribution due to a wrong declaration of graphviz path in the code:
To work around, you can create a link to the good path: `sudo ln -s /usr/bin/dot /usr/local/bin/dot`
## Boiler plate for writing CLI scripts based on JaLHyd
The folder `boilerplate` contains simple examples of use of JalHyd in a JS or TS script.
- Build JalHyd for node (commonJS module): `npm run build-node`
- Choose the js or ts folder: `cd boilerplate/js` or `cd boilerplate/ts`
- Type `npm install` to install dependencies
- For the TS script, build the project with `npm run build`
- Run the script with `node boilerplate.js` or `node build/boilerplate.js`