diff --git a/.Rbuildignore b/.Rbuildignore
index 4517734e6a4c87325e896a30489b790a8287a01e..74cb3a131290bdbfe13fb4d2a37a5e1b70261c75 100644
--- a/.Rbuildignore
+++ b/.Rbuildignore
@@ -13,3 +13,5 @@ $run_dev.*
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index cfa04f0172529be41ac5ae8a7c7991091949c335..34134b0d4f27cbf751051ec41b6b01a9f9d0fa42 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -9,5 +9,6 @@
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 3a836bbceaad4ae3e035e3de68d2c0aecfddebfc..f5298c73903a289af1b5ca18388e16921f828eac 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,37 +1,64 @@
-  - local: '/gitlab-ci/rules.gitlab-ci.yml'	                # generic rules to be used for main branch or others
-  - local: '/gitlab-ci/image.gitlab-ci.yml'                 # image to be used for main branch or others
-  - local: '/gitlab-ci/before_script.gitlab-ci.yml'
-  - local: '/gitlab-ci/build_binary.gitlab-ci.yml'
-  - local: '/gitlab-ci/documentation.gitlab-ci.yml'
-  - local: '/gitlab-ci/check.gitlab-ci.yml'
-  - local: '/gitlab-ci/build_images_docker.gitlab-ci.yml'		# building docker images
+# test config
+image: rocker/tidyverse
 stages: # List of stages for jobs, and their order of execution
   - build
   - document
   - check
   - covr
-  - build_images
   BUILD_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/ci/build"
-  r_image_path: "registry.forgemia.inra.fr/stacomi/stacomi_db"
-  r_image_name: "r4stacomi"
-  r_image_tagdev: "4.x-dev"
-  docker_version: "20.10"
-  paths:
-    - ${R_LIBS_USER}/
+# the .Renviron in the document folder contains the path to the libraries in the form R_LIBS=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/ci/lib
+# there are three lines added there so the uploaded packages will end up there
+  - apt-get update
+  - apt-get install -y qpdf
+  - echo 'R_LIBS=$R_LIBS_USER' > .Renviron
+  - echo 'R_LIBS_USER=$R_LIBS_USER' >> .Renviron
+  - echo 'R_LIBS_SITE=$R_LIBS_USER' >> .Renviron
+# below CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG is CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME The branch or tag name for which project is built, in lowercase, shortened to 63 bytes  
+  stage: build
+  script:
+   # dependencies =TRUE only supports one 
+    - R -e 'install.packages(pkgs=c("testthat"), dependencies = TRUE, repos ="https://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/CRAN/")'
+    - R -e 'install.packages(pkgs=c("devtools"), dependencies = TRUE, repos ="https://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/CRAN/")'
+    # below TRUE is shorthand for "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo" and "Suggests". 
+    - R -e 'devtools::install_deps(dependencies = TRUE, lib = Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"))'    
+    - R -e 'devtools::build(binary = TRUE, path=Sys.getenv("BUILD_DIR"), vignettes=FALSE, manual=FALSE)'  
+  cache:
+    key: "$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG"
+    paths:
+      - "$R_LIBS_USER"
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - "$BUILD_DIR"
+  stage: document
+  script:
+    - R -e 'devtools::document()'
+  stage: check
+  script:
+   - R -e 'devtools::check(check_dir = Sys.getenv("CHECK_DIR"), document = FALSE, args = "--no-tests")'
+   - R -e 'if (length(devtools::check_failures(path = Sys.getenv("BUILD_LOGS_DIR"), note = FALSE)) > 0) stop()'
+  cache:
+    paths:
+    - $R_LIBS_USER
   stage: covr
-  extends:
-    - .rules_shut_down
   - R -e 'install.packages(pkgs=c("covr"), dependencies = TRUE, repos ="https://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/CRAN/")'
-  - R -e 'covr::package_coverage(Sys.getenv("CI_PROJECT_DIR"))'  
\ No newline at end of file
+  - R -e 'covr::package_coverage(Sys.getenv("CI_PROJECT_DIR"))'  
\ No newline at end of file
index 5650813921a7c075a4b7f47608945d7c33d0c915..1849444b6f036e00113fa415f94889c5e7493518 100644
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Imports:
-    stacomirtools (>=,
+    stacomirtools (>=,
@@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Imports:
-    stacomiR (>=,
+    stacomiR (>=,
-    ggthemes
+    pkgload
 Encoding: UTF-8
 LazyData: true
-RoxygenNote: 7.2.1
+RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
index 5a5de8a8f441a499727e6ada58420d5b9f58b097..90aed209baf7fa014cbfa40ba84707dfefa028e0 100644
@@ -52,3 +52,4 @@ importFrom(shinydashboardPlus,renderUser)
diff --git a/R/_disable_autoload.R b/R/_disable_autoload.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a8c9436ac0d7c31315d1dd10199cca3b570581dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/_disable_autoload.R
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Disabling shiny autoload
+# See ?shiny::loadSupport for more information
diff --git a/R/app_server.R b/R/app_server.R
index ad9b5adf625d118e7d36484d0c863ea9b7d1731b..034a954653c0d4dd5a33acc89cc4c5744fda5eea 100644
--- a/R/app_server.R
+++ b/R/app_server.R
@@ -15,14 +15,15 @@ app_server <- function( input, output, session ) {
 	# migr_mult -------------------------------------------------
-	mod_migr_mult_server("migr_mult_ui_1",DD)
 	# le mod_ref_taxa est réutilisé par les différents modules, son id (ici "ref_taxa_mod_migr_mult") change... 
 	DD$button_ref_taxa_migr_mult <- mod_ref_taxa_server("ref_taxa_mod_migr_mult", DD, mytab="migr_mult") 	
 	DD$button_ref_stage_migr_mult <- mod_ref_stage_server("ref_stage_mod_migr_mult", DD, mytab="migr_mult")
-	DD$button_box_custom_migr_mult_2<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_migr_mult_2",DD,mytab="migr_mult")
-	DD$button_box_custom_migr_mult_3<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_migr_mult_3",DD,mytab="migr_mult")
+	DD$button_box_custom_migr_mult_step <-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_migr_mult_step",DD,mytab="migr_mult")
+	DD$button_box_custom_migr_mult_multiple <-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_migr_mult_multiple",DD,mytab="migr_mult")
 	# annuel ---------------------------------------------------
 	mod_annuel_server("annuel_ui_1", DD)
@@ -30,24 +31,28 @@ app_server <- function( input, output, session ) {
 	DD$button_ref_stage_annuel <- mod_ref_stage_server("ref_stage_mod_annuel", DD, mytab="annuel")
-	# interannuel ---------------------------------------------------	
+# interannuel ---------------------------------------------------	
-	mod_interannuel_server("interannuel_ui_1",DD)
+  DD$button_interannuel  <- mod_interannuel_server("interannuel_ui_1",DD)
 	DD$button_ref_taxa_interannuel <- mod_ref_taxa_server("ref_taxa_mod_interannuel", DD, mytab="interannuel") 	
 	DD$button_ref_stage_interannuel <- mod_ref_stage_server("ref_stage_mod_interannuel", DD, mytab="interannuel")
-	DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_1<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_interannuel_1",DD,mytab="interannuel")
-	DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_2<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_interannuel_2",DD,mytab="interannuel")
-	DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_3<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_interannuel_3",DD,mytab="interannuel")
-	DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_4<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_interannuel_4",DD,mytab="interannuel")
-	DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_5<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_interannuel_5",DD,mytab="interannuel")
-	DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_6<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_interannuel_6",DD,mytab="interannuel")
-	DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_7<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_interannuel_7",DD,mytab="interannuel")
+	DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_line <- mod_custom_plot_interannual_server("custom_plot_interannuel_line",DD,mytab="interannuel", show_pas_temps=FALSE)
+	DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_standard <- mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_interannuel_standard",DD,mytab="interannuel")
+	DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_step <- mod_custom_plot_interannual_server("custom_plot_interannuel_step",DD,mytab="interannuel", show_pas_temps=FALSE)
+  DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_barchart <- mod_custom_plot_interannual_server("custom_plot_interannuel_barchart",DD,mytab="interannuel")
+  DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_pointrange <- mod_custom_plot_interannual_server("custom_plot_interannuel_pointrange",DD,mytab="interannuel")
+	DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_density <- mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_interannuel_density",DD,mytab="interannuel")
+	DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_seasonal <- mod_custom_plot_interannual_server("custom_plot_interannuel_seasonal",DD,mytab="interannuel", show_year_choice =FALSE)
 	# especes ---------------------------------------------------
 	DD$button_ref_taxa_espece <- mod_ref_taxa_server("ref_taxa_espece", DD, mytab="espece") 
 	# caractéristiques de lots  ---------------------------------------------------	
@@ -58,6 +63,7 @@ app_server <- function( input, output, session ) {
 	# mod_migr_car ---------------------------------------------------	
 	DD$button_quan_to_qual <- mod_migr_car_server("migr_car_ui_1", DD)
@@ -69,35 +75,38 @@ app_server <- function( input, output, session ) {
-	# mod_mig_env -----------------------------
-	mod_migr_env_server("migr_env_ui_1")
-	DD$button_ref_stationmesure_mod_migr_env <- mod_ref_stationmesure_server("ref_stationmesure_mod_migr_env", DD, mytab="migr_env") 	
-	# mod_sat_age -----------------------------
-	mod_sat_age_server("sat_age_ui_1")
-	DD$button_ref_parquan_sat_age <- mod_ref_parquan_server("ref_parquan_sat_age",DD, mytab="sat_age")	
+  # mod_mig_env -----------------------------
+  mod_migr_env_server("migr_env_ui_1",DD)
+  DD$button_ref_stationmesure_mod_migr_env <- mod_ref_stationmesure_server("ref_stationmesure_mod_migr_env", DD, mytab = "migr_env")
+  DD$button_ref_taxa_migr_env <- mod_ref_taxa_server("ref_taxa_mod_migr_env", DD, mytab = "migr_env")
+  DD$button_ref_stage_migr_env <- mod_ref_stage_server("ref_stage_mod_migr_env", DD, mytab = "migr_env")
+  # mod_sat_age -----------------------------
+  mod_sat_age_server("sat_age_ui_1")
+  DD$button_ref_stage_sat_age <- mod_ref_stage_server("ref_stage_sat_age", DD, mytab = "sat_age")
+  DD$button_ref_parquan_sat_age <- mod_ref_parquan_server("ref_parquan_sat_age", DD, mytab = "sat_age")
-	mod_ang_argentee_server("ang_argentee_ui_1")
-	mod_civ_poids_server("civ_poids_ui_1")
+  # mod_ang_argentee -----------------------------
+  mod_ang_argentee_server("ang_argentee_ui_1")
+  mod_civ_poids_server("civ_poids_ui_1")
+  # mod bilan_dc
+  mod_bilan_dc_server("bilan_dc_ui_1",DD)
+  DD$button_box_custom_bilan_dc_1<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_bilan_dc_1",DD,mytab="bilan_dc")
+  DD$button_box_custom_bilan_dc_2<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_bilan_dc_2",DD,mytab="bilan_dc")
+  DD$button_box_custom_bilan_dc_4<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_bilan_dc_4",DD,mytab="bilan_dc")
+  # mod_bilan_df -----------------------------
+  mod_bilan_df_server("bilan_df_ui_1")
+  DD$button_ref_df <- mod_ref_df_server("ref_df_ui_1", DD, mytab = "bilan_df")
+  # mod_env -----------------------------
+  mod_env_server("env_ui_1")
+  DD$button_ref_stationmesure_mod_env <- mod_ref_stationmesure_server("ref_stationmesure_mod_env", DD, mytab = "env")
-	# mod bilan_dc
-	mod_bilan_dc_server("bilan_dc_ui_1",DD)
-	DD$button_box_custom_bilan_dc_1<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_bilan_dc_1",DD,mytab="bilan_dc")
-	DD$button_box_custom_bilan_dc_2<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_bilan_dc_2",DD,mytab="bilan_dc")
-	DD$button_box_custom_bilan_dc_4<-mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_bilan_dc_4",DD,mytab="bilan_dc")
-	# mod_bilan_df -----------------------------
-	mod_bilan_df_server("bilan_df_ui_1")
-	DD$button_ref_df<-mod_ref_df_server("ref_df_ui_1",DD,mytab="bilan_df")
-	# mod_env -----------------------------
-	mod_env_server("env_ui_1")
-	DD$button_ref_stationmesure_mod_env <- mod_ref_stationmesure_server("ref_stationmesure_mod_env", DD, mytab="env") 	
diff --git a/R/global.R b/R/global.R
index bca6feea50de2d37e54dd297f6ab738db9782e69..4698ed7ee0a700f4ee24464b383efd95cc92a0d4 100644
--- a/R/global.R
+++ b/R/global.R
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # current year, for the UI
 CY <- as.numeric(strftime(Sys.time(), format = "%Y"))
+dir.create(normalizePath("./data/tempplot"),showWarnings = FALSE)
   stacomiR.dbname = "bd_contmig_nat",
   stacomiR.host = "localhost",
diff --git a/R/mod_ang_argentee.R b/R/mod_ang_argentee.R
index ad27ddc3c47e07dc85e00e867266e19daf25251a..369157877b719be2e2f85f9b921ac8381c4877db 100644
--- a/R/mod_ang_argentee.R
+++ b/R/mod_ang_argentee.R
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ mod_ang_argentee_server <- function(id, DD) {
     ns <- session$ns
     observeEvent(input$bttn_angarg, {
           validate(need(exists("envir_stacomi"), "Le programme stacomi doit être lancé"))
           db_connection <- envir_stacomi$db_connection
@@ -143,7 +144,6 @@ mod_ang_argentee_server <- function(id, DD) {
           r_silver <- new("report_silver_eel")
           ref_dc <- base::get("ref_dc", envir = envir_stacomi)
           validate(need(length(ref_dc@dc_selected) > 0, "Pas de DC sélectionné"))
-          validate(need(length(ref_dc@dc_selected) == 1, "Vous ne pouvez sélectionner qu'un seul DC"))
           r_silver <- choice_c(r_silver,
             dc = ref_dc@dc_selected,
             horodatedebut = input$angarg.datedebut,
@@ -157,9 +157,13 @@ mod_ang_argentee_server <- function(id, DD) {
           assign("r_silver", r_silver, envir = envir_stacomi)
           if (nrow(r_silver@data) == 0) {
             warning("no data available")
-          }
+            shinybusy::remove_modal_spinner()
+          } else {
+            r_silver <- calcule(r_silver, silent = TRUE)
+          #}
           # calculations
-          r_silver <- calcule(r_silver, silent = TRUE)
           shinybusy::remove_modal_spinner() # remove it when done
           if ("1" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
             if (input$box_plot_angarg_1$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_plot_angarg_1", action = "toggle")
@@ -196,9 +200,14 @@ mod_ang_argentee_server <- function(id, DD) {
           if ("5" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
             if (input$box_tab_angarg$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_angarg", action = "toggle")
             output$tab_angarg_summary <- renderDT({
-              table <- r_silver@calcdata %>% dplyr::bind_rows() %>% dplyr::select(ope_dic_identifiant, annee, lot_identifiant, ope_identifiant, ope_dic_identifiant, dev_libelle, CONT, LINP, stage, BL, W, Dv, Dh, FL, MD)
+              table <- r_silver@calcdata %>% dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
+                dplyr::select(ope_dic_identifiant, ope_date_debut, ope_date_fin,annee, lot_identifiant, ope_identifiant,
+                              ope_dic_identifiant, dev_libelle, CONT, LINP, stage, BL, W, Dv, Dh, FL, MD) %>%
+                dplyr::mutate(ope_date_debut=format(as.POSIXct(ope_date_debut))) %>%
+                dplyr::mutate(ope_date_fin=format(as.POSIXct(ope_date_fin)))
                 extensions = 'Buttons', options = list(
+                  scrollX = TRUE,
                 dom = 'Bfrtip',
                 buttons = 
                   list('copy', 'print', list(
@@ -206,12 +215,11 @@ mod_ang_argentee_server <- function(id, DD) {
                     buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
                     text = 'Download'
-              ))
-            })
+                ))
+            },server = FALSE)
           } else {
             if (!input$box_tab_angarg$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_angarg", action = "toggle")
-          }
+          }}
           # if ("5" %in%  input$choix_sorties) {
           #   if (input$box_tab_angarg$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_angarg", action = "toggle")
diff --git a/R/mod_annuel.R b/R/mod_annuel.R
index 7810fa49f38f3d38670ddd07f81034f6bd1f6797..ac1e69bf8076abc14932db4fb7e43cc9394e3f79 100644
--- a/R/mod_annuel.R
+++ b/R/mod_annuel.R
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ mod_annuel_ui <- function(id){
 							label = h5("Choisissez l'ann\u00e9e de d\u00e9but et de fin :"), 
 							min = 1980,
 							max = 	CY, 
-							value = c(2011, 	CY)),
+							value = c(2011, 	CY),
+							sep = ""),
@@ -135,19 +136,18 @@ mod_annuel_server <- function(id, DD){
 										                    extensions = "Buttons",
-										                      scroller = TRUE,
 										                      scrollX = TRUE,
-										                      lengthMenu=list(c(-1,5,20,50),c("All","5","20","50")),
-										                      "pagelength"=-1,
-										                      dom= "Blfrtip",
-										                      scrollX = T, 
-										                      buttons=list(
-										                        list(extend="excel",
-										                             filename = "resume_bilan_annuel"))
+										                      dom= "Bfrtip", 
+										                      buttons=
+										                        list('copy', 'print', list(
+										                          extend = 'collection',
+										                          buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
+										                          text = 'Download'
+										                        ))
-										    }) 
+										    },server = FALSE) 
 										  }  else {
 										    if (!input$box_annuel_data$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_annuel_data", action = "toggle")
 										  }			 # end ifelse "3"
@@ -160,20 +160,21 @@ mod_annuel_server <- function(id, DD){
-										    palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
-										    plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
-										    plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
-										    plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
-										    theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
+										    palette_plot <- envir_stacomi$palette_plot
+										    plot_title <- envir_stacomi$plot_title
+										    plot_xlab <- envir_stacomi$xlab
+										    plot_ylab <- envir_stacomi$ylab
+										    theme_plot <- envir_stacomi$theme_plot
-										    g_annuel_2=envir_stacomi$g
+										    g_annuel_2 <- envir_stacomi$g
-										    g_annuel_2 <- g_annuel_2+
-										      ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-										      ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-										      ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-										      ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-										      match.fun(theme_plot)()
+										    g_annuel_2 <- g_annuel_2 
+                        if (plot_title != "") g_annuel_2 <- g_annuel_2 + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+                        if (plot_ylab != "")  g_annuel_2 <- g_annuel_2 +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+                        if (plot_xlab != "")  g_annuel_2 <- g_annuel_2 +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+                        if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_annuel_2 <- g_annuel_2 +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                        if (palette_plot != "aucun")  g_annuel_2 <- g_annuel_2 +  ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
diff --git a/R/mod_bilan_dc.R b/R/mod_bilan_dc.R
index 6bd507a1af36694e7f16147bdf530b493e4b4d22..8019b368bfa32314dd753ab4580d42629152f045 100644
--- a/R/mod_bilan_dc.R
+++ b/R/mod_bilan_dc.R
@@ -11,392 +11,384 @@
 mod_bilan_dc_ui <- function(id){
   ns <- NS(id)
   tabItem(tabName = "bilan_dc",
-          shinydashboardPlus::box(
-            title = "S\u00e9lections :",
-            solidHeader = TRUE,
-              collapsible = TRUE,
-            status="primary",
-              width = 3,
-              #dateRangeInput("dates", label = h5("S\u00e9lectionnez la date de d\u00e9but et de fin :")),
-            dateInput(ns("bilan_dc.datedebut"), label = h5("Choisissez une date de début :"), value = "2020-01-01"),
-            dateInput(ns("bilan_dc.datefin"), label = h5("Choisissez une date de fin :"), value = "2021-01-01"),  
-              checkboxGroupInput(ns("choix_sorties"), label = h4("Choisissez les sorties graphiques ou tableaux :"),
-                                 choices = list("plot_dc_barchar_fonct" = 1,
-                                                "plot_dc_barchar_service" = 2,
-                                                "plot_dc_box_1" = 3,
-                                                "plot_dc_box_2" = 4,
-                                                "tab_dc_data" = 5),
-                                 selected = 1),
-              actionBttn(
-                inputId = ns("bttn_dc"),
-                label = "OK",
-                style = "fill", 
-                color = "primary"
-              )
-          ),
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          title = "S\u00e9lections :",
+          solidHeader = TRUE,
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          status="primary",
+          width = 3,
+          #dateRangeInput("dates", label = h5("S\u00e9lectionnez la date de d\u00e9but et de fin :")),
+          dateInput(ns("bilan_dc.datedebut"), label = h5("Choisissez une date de début :"), value = "2020-01-01"),
+          dateInput(ns("bilan_dc.datefin"), label = h5("Choisissez une date de fin :"), value = "2021-01-01"),  
-          shinydashboardPlus::box(
-            id=ns("box_dc_barchar_fonct"),
-            title = "Barchar_fonct",
-            status="primary",
-            solidHeader = TRUE,
-            collapsible = TRUE,
-            collapsed = TRUE,
-            sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
+          checkboxGroupInput(ns("choix_sorties"), label = h4("Choisissez les sorties graphiques ou tableaux :"),
+              choices = list("plot_dc_barchar_fonct" = 1,
+                  "plot_dc_barchar_service" = 2,
+                  "plot_dc_box_1" = 3,
+                  "plot_dc_box_2" = 4,
+                  "tab_dc_data" = 5),
+              selected = 1),
+          actionBttn(
+              inputId = ns("bttn_dc"),
+              label = "OK",
+              style = "fill", 
+              color = "primary"
+          )
+      ),
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          id=ns("box_dc_barchar_fonct"),
+          title = "Barchar_fonct",
+          status="primary",
+          solidHeader = TRUE,
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          collapsed = TRUE,
+          sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
               id = ns("box_dc_barchar_fonct_sidebar"),
               width = 25,
-              ),
+          ),
-          shinydashboardPlus::box(
-            id=ns("box_dc_barchar_service"),
-            title = "Barchar_service",
-            status="primary",
-            solidHeader = TRUE,
-            collapsible = TRUE,
-            collapsed = TRUE,
-            sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          id=ns("box_dc_barchar_service"),
+          title = "Barchar_service",
+          status="primary",
+          solidHeader = TRUE,
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          collapsed = TRUE,
+          sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
               id = ns("box_dc_barchar_service_sidebar"),
               width = 25,
-            ),
-            plotOutput(ns("plot_dc_barchar_service"))),
-          shinydashboardPlus::box(
-            id=ns("box_dc_box_1"),
-            title = "Box_1",
-            status="primary",
-            solidHeader = TRUE,
-            collapsible = TRUE,
-            collapsed = TRUE,
-            plotOutput(ns("plot_dc_box_1"))),
-          shinydashboardPlus::box(
-            id=ns("box_dc_box_2"),
-            title = "Box_2",
-            status="primary",
-            solidHeader = TRUE,
-            collapsible = TRUE,
-            collapsed = TRUE,
-            sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
+          ),
+          plotOutput(ns("plot_dc_barchar_service"))),
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          id=ns("box_dc_box_1"),
+          title = "Box_1",
+          status="primary",
+          solidHeader = TRUE,
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          collapsed = TRUE,
+          plotOutput(ns("plot_dc_box_1"))),
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          id=ns("box_dc_box_2"),
+          title = "Box_2",
+          status="primary",
+          solidHeader = TRUE,
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          collapsed = TRUE,
+          sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
               id = ns("box_dc_box_2_sidebar"),
               width = 25,
-            ),
-            plotOutput(ns("plot_dc_box_2"))),
-          shinydashboardPlus::box(
-              id=ns("box_tab_dc_data"),
-              title = "DC_data",
-              status="primary",
-              solidHeader = TRUE,
-              collapsible = TRUE,
-              collapsed = TRUE,
-              width = 9,
-              DTOutput(ns("tab_dc_data")),
-              DTOutput(ns("tab_per_tar_code")),
-              DTOutput(ns("tab_per_etat_fct"))
-              ),
-          )
+          ),
+          plotOutput(ns("plot_dc_box_2"))),
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          id=ns("box_tab_dc_data"),
+          title = "DC_data",
+          status="primary",
+          solidHeader = TRUE,
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          collapsed = TRUE,
+          width = 9,
+          DTOutput(ns("tab_dc_data")),
+          DTOutput(ns("tab_per_tar_code")),
+          DTOutput(ns("tab_per_etat_fct"))
+      ),
+  )
 #' bilan_dc Server Functions
 #' @noRd 
 #' @importFrom DT renderDT
 mod_bilan_dc_server <- function(id,DD){
   moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session){
-    ns <- session$ns
-    observeEvent(
-      eventExpr={
-        input$bttn_dc
-      },
-      handlerExpr={	
+        ns <- session$ns
-        shinyCatch({
-    #Bilan DC
-          validate(need(exists("envir_stacomi"), "Le programme stacomi doit être lancé"))
-          db_connection <- envir_stacomi$db_connection
-          validate(need(!is.null(db_connection), "db needs connection"))
-          r_dc=new("report_dc")
-          ref_dc <- base::get("ref_dc", envir=envir_stacomi)
-          validate(need(length(ref_dc@dc_selected) >0, "No dc selected"))
-          if (length(ref_dc@dc_selected) >1)
-            ref_dc@dc_selected <- ref_dc@dc_selected[1]
-          validate(need(input$bilan_dc.datedebut<input$bilan_dc.datefin,"la date de début doit être supérieure à la date de fin"))
-          r_dc<-choice_c(r_dc,
-                         dc=ref_dc@dc_selected,
-                         horodatedebut=input$bilan_dc.datedebut,
-                         horodatefin=input$bilan_dc.datefin,
-                         silent=TRUE)
-          Sys.setenv(TZ='GMT')
-          r_dc<-connect(r_dc)
-          # graphiques et sorties ----------------------
-          if (nrow(r_dc@data)==0){
-            warning("no data available")
-          }else{
-            if ("1" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
-              if (input$box_dc_barchar_fonct$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_barchar_fonct",action="toggle")
-              output$plot_dc_barchar_fonct<-renderPlot({
-                stacomiR::plot(r_dc,plot.type="1")
-              })
-            } else {
-              if (!input$box_dc_barchar_fonct$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_barchar_fonct",action="toggle")  
-            } #end ifelse "1"
-            if ("2" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
-              if (input$box_dc_barchar_service$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_barchar_service",action="toggle")
-              output$plot_dc_barchar_service<-renderPlot({
-                stacomiR::plot(r_dc,plot.type="2")
-              })
-            } else {
-              if (!input$box_dc_barchar_service$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_barchar_service",action="toggle")  
-            } #end ifelse "2"
-            if ("3" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
-              if (input$box_dc_box_1$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_box_1",action="toggle")
-              output$plot_dc_box_1<-renderPlot({
-                stacomiR::plot(r_dc,plot.type="3")
-              })
-            } else {
-              if (!input$box_dc_box_1$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_box_1",action="toggle")  
-            } #end ifelse "3"
-            if ("4" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
-              if (input$box_dc_box_2$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_box_2",action="toggle")
-              output$plot_dc_box_2<-renderPlot({
-                stacomiR::plot(r_dc,plot.type="4")
-              })
-            } else {
-              if (!input$box_dc_box_2$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_box_2",action="toggle")  
-            } #end ifelse "4"
-            if ("5" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
-              if (input$box_tab_dc_data$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_dc_data", action = "toggle")
-              t_periodefonctdispositif_per <-
-                r_dc@data # on recupere le data.frame
-              ## on remplace la date de début et de fin de la période rentré dans la table par les horodates de début et de fin choisis dans le module
-              t_periodefonctdispositif_per<-t_periodefonctdispositif_per %>%
-                dplyr::mutate(per_date_debut=replace(per_date_debut,per_date_debut==min(per_date_debut),r_dc@horodatedebut@horodate)) %>%
-                dplyr::mutate(per_date_fin=replace(per_date_fin,per_date_fin==max(per_date_fin),r_dc@horodatefin@horodate))
-              t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_date_debut <-
-                as.character(t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_date_debut)
-              t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_date_fin <-
-                as.character(t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_date_fin)
-              annee = paste(unique(strftime(
-                as.POSIXlt(t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_date_debut),
-                "%Y"
-              )), collapse = "+")
-              duree <-
-                difftime(
-                  t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_date_fin,
-                  t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_date_debut,
-                  units = "day"
-                )
-              sum_per_tar_code <-
-                tapply(duree, t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_tar_code, sum)
-              sum_per_tar_code<-as.data.frame(sum_per_tar_code)
-              summary_per_tar_code<-tibble::rownames_to_column(sum_per_tar_code, var = "per_tar_code")
-              summary_per_tar_code$perc_per_tar_code <- round(100 * summary_per_tar_code$sum_per_tar_code/sum(summary_per_tar_code$sum_per_tar_code))
-              summary_per_tar_code$sum_per_tar_code <- round(summary_per_tar_code$sum_per_tar_code, 2)
-              summary_per_tar_code<-summary_per_tar_code %>% 
-                dplyr::mutate(per_tar_code=replace(per_tar_code,per_tar_code==1,"Normal oper")) %>% 
-                dplyr::mutate(per_tar_code=replace(per_tar_code,per_tar_code==2,"Operational stop")) %>% 
-                dplyr::mutate(per_tar_code=replace(per_tar_code,per_tar_code==3,"Stop")) %>% 
-                dplyr::mutate(per_tar_code=replace(per_tar_code,per_tar_code==4,"Dysfunct")) %>% 
-                dplyr::mutate(per_tar_code=replace(per_tar_code,per_tar_code==5,"Unknown")) 
-              sum_per_etat_fonctionnement <-
-                tapply(duree, t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_etat_fonctionnement,  sum)
-              sum_per_etat_fonctionnement<-as.data.frame(sum_per_etat_fonctionnement)
-              summary_per_etat_fonctionnement<-tibble::rownames_to_column(sum_per_etat_fonctionnement, var = "per_etat_fonctionnement")
-              summary_per_etat_fonctionnement$perc_per_etat_fonctionnement<-round(100*summary_per_etat_fonctionnement$sum_per_etat_fonctionnement/sum(summary_per_etat_fonctionnement$sum_per_etat_fonctionnement))
-              summary_per_etat_fonctionnement$sum_per_etat_fonctionnement<-round(summary_per_etat_fonctionnement$sum_per_etat_fonctionnement,2)
-              summary_per_etat_fonctionnement<-summary_per_etat_fonctionnement %>%
-                dplyr::mutate(per_etat_fonctionnement=replace(per_etat_fonctionnement,per_etat_fonctionnement=="FALSE","Stop"))%>%
-                dplyr::mutate(per_etat_fonctionnement=replace(per_etat_fonctionnement,per_etat_fonctionnement=="TRUE","Func"))
-              output$tab_dc_data <- renderDT({
-                          DT::datatable(t_periodefonctdispositif_per,
-                              rownames=FALSE,          
-                              extensions = "Buttons",
-                              option=list(
-                                scroller = TRUE,
-                                scrollX = TRUE,
-                                lengthMenu=list(c(-1,5,20,50),c("All","5","20","50")),
-                                "pagelength"=-1,
-                                dom= "Blfrtip",
-                                scrollX = T, 
-                                buttons=list(
-                                  list(extend="excel",
-                                       filename = "resume_report_bilan_DC"))
-                              ))
-              })
-              output$tab_per_tar_code<-renderDT({
-                DT::datatable(summary_per_tar_code,
-                              rownames=FALSE,          
-                              extensions = "Buttons",
-                              option=list(
-                                scroller = TRUE,
-                                scrollX = TRUE,
-                                "pagelength"=-1,
-                                dom= "Blfrtip",
-                                scrollX = T, 
-                                buttons=list(
-                                  list(extend="excel",
-                                       filename = "resume_per_tar_code"))
-                              ))
-              })
-              output$tab_per_etat_fct<-renderDT({
-                DT::datatable(summary_per_etat_fonctionnement,
-                              rownames=FALSE,          
-                              extensions = "Buttons",
-                              option=list(
-                                scroller = TRUE,
-                                scrollX = TRUE,
-                                "pagelength"=-1,
-                                dom= "Blfrtip",
-                                scrollX = T, 
-                                buttons=list(
-                                  list(extend="excel",
-                                       filename = "resume_per_etat_fonctionnement"))
-                              ))
-                })
-            }  else {
-              if (!input$box_tab_dc_data$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_dc_data", action = "toggle")
-            }			 # end ifelse "5"
-          } # end else
-          observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_bilan_dc_1()
-            },{
-            shinyCatch({
-              palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
-              plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
-              plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
-              plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
-              theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
-              g_report_dc_1=envir_stacomi$g_report_dc_1
-              g_report_dc_1 <- g_report_dc_1+
-                ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-                ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-                ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-                ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-                match.fun(theme_plot)()
-              output$plot_dc_barchar_fonct<-renderPlot({
-                g_report_dc_1
-              })
-            },blocking_level = "error"
-            )},
-            ignoreInit=TRUE,
-            ignoreNULL = TRUE
-          )
-          observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_bilan_dc_2()
-          },{
-            shinyCatch({
-              palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
-              plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
-              plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
-              plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
-              theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
-              g_report_dc_2=envir_stacomi$g_report_dc_2
-              g_report_dc_2 <- g_report_dc_2+
-                ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-                ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-                ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-                ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-                match.fun(theme_plot)()
-              output$plot_dc_barchar_service<-renderPlot({
-                g_report_dc_2
-              })
-            },blocking_level = "error"
-            )},
-          ignoreInit=TRUE,
-          ignoreNULL = TRUE
-          )
-          observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_bilan_dc_4()
-          },{
-            shinyCatch({
-              palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
-              plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
-              plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
-              plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
-              theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
-              g_report_dc_4=envir_stacomi$g_report_dc_4
-              g_report_dc_4 <- g_report_dc_4+
-                ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-                ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-                ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-                ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-                match.fun(theme_plot)()
-              output$plot_dc_box_2<-renderPlot({
-                g_report_dc_4
-              })
-            },blocking_level = "error"
-            )},
-          ignoreInit=TRUE,
-          ignoreNULL = TRUE
-          )
-        }) # end shiny catch
-      }) 
-  })
+        observeEvent(
+            eventExpr={
+              input$bttn_dc
+            },
+            handlerExpr={	
+              shinyCatch({
+                    #Bilan DC
+                    validate(need(exists("envir_stacomi"), "Le programme stacomi doit être lancé"))
+                    db_connection <- envir_stacomi$db_connection
+                    validate(need(!is.null(db_connection), "db needs connection"))
+                    r_dc=new("report_dc")
+                    ref_dc <- base::get("ref_dc", envir=envir_stacomi)
+                    validate(need(length(ref_dc@dc_selected) >0, "No dc selected"))
+                    if (length(ref_dc@dc_selected) >1)
+                      ref_dc@dc_selected <- ref_dc@dc_selected[1]
+                    validate(need(input$bilan_dc.datedebut<input$bilan_dc.datefin,"la date de début doit être inférieure à la date de fin"))
+                    r_dc<-choice_c(r_dc,
+                        dc=ref_dc@dc_selected,
+                        horodatedebut=input$bilan_dc.datedebut,
+                        horodatefin=input$bilan_dc.datefin,
+                        silent=TRUE)
+                    Sys.setenv(TZ='GMT')
+                    r_dc<-connect(r_dc)
+                    # graphiques et sorties ----------------------
+                    if (nrow(r_dc@data)==0){
+                      warning("no data available")
+                    }else{
+                      if ("1" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
+                        if (input$box_dc_barchar_fonct$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_barchar_fonct",action="toggle")
+                        output$plot_dc_barchar_fonct<-renderPlot({
+                              stacomiR::plot(r_dc,plot.type="1")
+                            })
+                      } else {
+                        if (!input$box_dc_barchar_fonct$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_barchar_fonct",action="toggle")  
+                      } #end ifelse "1"
+                      if ("2" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
+                        if (input$box_dc_barchar_service$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_barchar_service",action="toggle")
+                        output$plot_dc_barchar_service<-renderPlot({
+                              stacomiR::plot(r_dc,plot.type="2")
+                            })
+                      } else {
+                        if (!input$box_dc_barchar_service$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_barchar_service",action="toggle")  
+                      } #end ifelse "2"
+                      if ("3" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
+                        if (input$box_dc_box_1$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_box_1",action="toggle")
+                        output$plot_dc_box_1<-renderPlot({
+                              stacomiR::plot(r_dc,plot.type="3")
+                            })
+                      } else {
+                        if (!input$box_dc_box_1$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_box_1",action="toggle")  
+                      } #end ifelse "3"
+                      if ("4" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
+                        if (input$box_dc_box_2$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_box_2",action="toggle")
+                        output$plot_dc_box_2 <- renderPlot({
+                              stacomiR::plot(r_dc,plot.type="4")
+                            })
+                      } else {
+                        if (!input$box_dc_box_2$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_dc_box_2",action="toggle")  
+                      } #end ifelse "4"
+                      if ("5" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
+                        if (input$box_tab_dc_data$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_dc_data", action = "toggle")
+                        t_periodefonctdispositif_per <-
+                            r_dc@data # on recupere le data.frame
+                        ## on remplace la date de début et de fin de la période rentré dans la table par les horodates de début et de fin choisis dans le module
+                        t_periodefonctdispositif_per<-t_periodefonctdispositif_per %>%
+                            dplyr::mutate(per_date_debut=replace(per_date_debut,per_date_debut==min(per_date_debut),r_dc@horodatedebut@horodate)) %>%
+                            dplyr::mutate(per_date_fin=replace(per_date_fin,per_date_fin==max(per_date_fin),r_dc@horodatefin@horodate))
+                        t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_date_debut <-
+                            as.character(t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_date_debut)
+                        t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_date_fin <-
+                            as.character(t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_date_fin)
+                        annee = paste(unique(strftime(
+                                    as.POSIXlt(t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_date_debut),
+                                    "%Y"
+                                )), collapse = "+")
+                        duree <-
+                            difftime(
+                                t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_date_fin,
+                                t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_date_debut,
+                                units = "day"
+                            )
+                        sum_per_tar_code <-
+                            tapply(duree, t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_tar_code, sum)
+                        sum_per_tar_code<-as.data.frame(sum_per_tar_code)
+                        summary_per_tar_code<-tibble::rownames_to_column(sum_per_tar_code, var = "per_tar_code")
+                        summary_per_tar_code$perc_per_tar_code <- round(100 * summary_per_tar_code$sum_per_tar_code/sum(summary_per_tar_code$sum_per_tar_code))
+                        summary_per_tar_code$sum_per_tar_code <- round(summary_per_tar_code$sum_per_tar_code, 2)
+                        summary_per_tar_code<-summary_per_tar_code %>% 
+                            dplyr::mutate(per_tar_code=replace(per_tar_code,per_tar_code==1,"Normal oper")) %>% 
+                            dplyr::mutate(per_tar_code=replace(per_tar_code,per_tar_code==2,"Operational stop")) %>% 
+                            dplyr::mutate(per_tar_code=replace(per_tar_code,per_tar_code==3,"Stop")) %>% 
+                            dplyr::mutate(per_tar_code=replace(per_tar_code,per_tar_code==4,"Dysfunct")) %>% 
+                            dplyr::mutate(per_tar_code=replace(per_tar_code,per_tar_code==5,"Unknown")) 
+                        sum_per_etat_fonctionnement <-
+                            tapply(duree, t_periodefonctdispositif_per$per_etat_fonctionnement,  sum)
+                        sum_per_etat_fonctionnement<-as.data.frame(sum_per_etat_fonctionnement)
+                        summary_per_etat_fonctionnement<-tibble::rownames_to_column(sum_per_etat_fonctionnement, var = "per_etat_fonctionnement")
+                        summary_per_etat_fonctionnement$perc_per_etat_fonctionnement<-round(100*summary_per_etat_fonctionnement$sum_per_etat_fonctionnement/sum(summary_per_etat_fonctionnement$sum_per_etat_fonctionnement))
+                        summary_per_etat_fonctionnement$sum_per_etat_fonctionnement<-round(summary_per_etat_fonctionnement$sum_per_etat_fonctionnement,2)
+                        summary_per_etat_fonctionnement<-summary_per_etat_fonctionnement %>%
+                            dplyr::mutate(per_etat_fonctionnement=replace(per_etat_fonctionnement,per_etat_fonctionnement=="FALSE","Stop"))%>%
+                            dplyr::mutate(per_etat_fonctionnement=replace(per_etat_fonctionnement,per_etat_fonctionnement=="TRUE","Func"))
+                        output$tab_dc_data <- renderDT({
+                              DT::datatable(t_periodefonctdispositif_per,
+                                  rownames=FALSE,          
+                                  extensions = "Buttons",
+                                  option=list(
+                                      scrollX = TRUE, 
+                                      dom= "Bfrtip",
+                                      buttons=list('copy', 'print', list(
+                                              extend = 'collection',
+                                              buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
+                                              text = 'Download'
+                                          ))))
+                            },server = FALSE)
+                        output$tab_per_tar_code<-renderDT({
+                              DT::datatable(summary_per_tar_code,
+                                  rownames=FALSE,          
+                                  extensions = "Buttons",
+                                  option=list(
+                                      scrollX = TRUE,
+                                      dom= "Bfrtip",
+                                      buttons=list('copy', 'print', list(
+                                              extend = 'collection',
+                                              buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
+                                              text = 'Download'
+                                          ))
+                                  ))
+                            },server = FALSE)
+                        output$tab_per_etat_fct<-renderDT({
+                              DT::datatable(summary_per_etat_fonctionnement,
+                                  rownames=FALSE,          
+                                  extensions = "Buttons",
+                                  option=list(
+                                      scrollX = TRUE,
+                                      dom= "Bfrtip", 
+                                      buttons=
+                                          list('copy', 'print', list(
+                                                  extend = 'collection',
+                                                  buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
+                                                  text = 'Download'
+                                              ))
+                                  ))
+                            },server = FALSE)
+                      }  else {
+                        if (!input$box_tab_dc_data$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_dc_data", action = "toggle")
+                      }			 # end ifelse "5"
+                    } # end else
+                    observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_bilan_dc_1()
+                        },{
+                          shinyCatch({
+                                palette_plot <- envir_stacomi$palette_plot
+                                plot_title <- envir_stacomi$plot_title
+                                plot_xlab <- envir_stacomi$xlab
+                                plot_ylab <- envir_stacomi$ylab
+                                theme_plot <- envir_stacomi$theme_plot
+                                g_report_dc_1 <- envir_stacomi$g_report_dc_1
+                                g_report_dc_1 <- g_report_dc_1 
+                                if (plot_title != "") g_report_dc_1 <- g_report_dc_1 + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+                                if (plot_ylab != "")  g_report_dc_1 <- g_report_dc_1 +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+                                if (plot_xlab != "")  g_report_dc_1 <- g_report_dc_1 +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_report_dc_1 <- g_report_dc_1 +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                                if (palette_plot != "aucun")  g_report_dc_1 <- g_report_dc_1 +  ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
+                                output$plot_dc_barchar_fonct<-renderPlot({
+                                      g_report_dc_1
+                                    })
+                              },blocking_level = "error"
+                          )},
+                        ignoreInit=TRUE,
+                        ignoreNULL = TRUE
+                    )
+                    observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_bilan_dc_2()
+                        },{
+                          shinyCatch({
+                                palette_plot <- envir_stacomi$palette_plot
+                                plot_title <- envir_stacomi$plot_title
+                                plot_xlab <- envir_stacomi$xlab
+                                plot_ylab <- envir_stacomi$ylab
+                                theme_plot <- envir_stacomi$theme_plot
+                                g_report_dc_2 <- envir_stacomi$g_report_dc_2
+                                g_report_dc_2 <- g_report_dc_2 
+                                if (plot_title != "") g_report_dc_2 <- g_report_dc_2 + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+                                if (plot_ylab != "")  g_report_dc_2 <- g_report_dc_2 +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+                                if (plot_xlab != "")  g_report_dc_2 <- g_report_dc_2 +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_report_dc_2 <- g_report_dc_2 +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                                if (palette_plot != "aucun")  g_report_dc_2 <- g_report_dc_2 +  ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
+                                output$plot_dc_barchar_service<-renderPlot({
+                                      g_report_dc_2
+                                    })
+                              },blocking_level = "error"
+                          )},
+                        ignoreInit=TRUE,
+                        ignoreNULL = TRUE
+                    )
+                    observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_bilan_dc_4()
+                        },{
+                          shinyCatch({
+                                palette_plot <- envir_stacomi$palette_plot
+                                plot_title <- envir_stacomi$plot_title
+                                plot_xlab <- envir_stacomi$xlab
+                                plot_ylab <- envir_stacomi$ylab
+                                theme_plot <- envir_stacomi$theme_plot
+                                g_report_dc_4 <- envir_stacomi$g_report_dc_4
+                                g_report_dc_4 <- g_report_dc_4 
+                                if (plot_title != "") g_report_dc_4 <- g_report_dc_4 + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+                                if (plot_ylab != "")  g_report_dc_4 <- g_report_dc_4 +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+                                if (plot_xlab != "")  g_report_dc_4 <- g_report_dc_4 +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_report_dc_4 <- g_report_dc_4 +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                                if (palette_plot != "aucun")  g_report_dc_4 <- g_report_dc_4 +  ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
+                                output$plot_dc_box_2 <- renderPlot({
+                                      g_report_dc_4
+                                    })
+                               },blocking_level = "error"
+                          )},
+                        ignoreInit=TRUE,
+                        ignoreNULL = TRUE
+                    )
+                  }) # end shiny catch
+            }) 
+      })
 ## To be copied in the UI
 # mod_bilan_dc_ui("bilan_dc_ui_1")
 ## To be copied in the server
 # mod_bilan_dc_server("bilan_dc_ui_1")
diff --git a/R/mod_bilan_df.R b/R/mod_bilan_df.R
index 9675ecb5e51aa574e2e9f0355a42b2d64f0e3715..3463568bf7a5f995ab717a946f86624275cf20b7 100644
--- a/R/mod_bilan_df.R
+++ b/R/mod_bilan_df.R
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ mod_bilan_df_server <- function(id, DD) {
           r_df <- new("report_df")
           ref_df <- base::get("ref_df", envir = envir_stacomi)
           validate(need(length(ref_df@df_selected) > 0, "No df selected"))
-          validate(need(input$bilan_df.datedebut < input$bilan_df.datefin, "la date de début doit être supérieure à la date de fin"))
+          validate(need(input$bilan_df.datedebut < input$bilan_df.datefin, "la date de début doit être inférieure à la date de fin"))
           r_df <- choice_c(r_df,
             df = ref_df@df_selected,
             horodatedebut = input$bilan_df.datedebut,
@@ -218,52 +218,51 @@ mod_bilan_df_server <- function(id, DD) {
               output$tab_df_data <- renderDT({
-                  rownames = FALSE,
-                  extensions = "Buttons",
-                  option = list(
-                    scroller = TRUE,
-                    scrollX = TRUE,
-                    lengthMenu = list(c(-1, 5, 20, 50), c("All", "5", "20", "50")),
-                    "pagelength" = -1,
-                    dom = "Blfrtip",
-                    scrollX = T,
-                    buttons = list(
-                      list(extend = "excel",
-                        filename = "resume_report_bilan_DF"))
-                ))
-              })
+                              rownames=FALSE,          
+                              extensions = "Buttons",
+                              option=list(
+                                scrollX = TRUE,
+                                dom= "Bfrtip", 
+                                buttons=
+                                  list('copy', 'print', list(
+                                    extend = 'collection',
+                                    buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
+                                    text = 'Download'
+                                  ))
+                              ))
+              },server = FALSE)
               output$tab_per_tar_code <- renderDT({
-                  rownames = FALSE,
-                  extensions = "Buttons",
-                  option = list(
-                    scroller = TRUE,
-                    scrollX = TRUE,
-                    "pagelength" = -1,
-                    dom = "Blfrtip",
-                    scrollX = T,
-                    buttons = list(
-                      list(extend = "excel",
-                        filename = "resume_per_tar_code"))
-                ))
-              })
+                              rownames=FALSE,          
+                              extensions = "Buttons",
+                              option=list(
+                                scrollX = TRUE,
+                                dom= "Bfrtip", 
+                                buttons=
+                                  list('copy', 'print', list(
+                                    extend = 'collection',
+                                    buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
+                                    text = 'Download'
+                                  ))
+                              ))
+              },server = FALSE)
               output$tab_per_etat_fct <- renderDT({
-                  rownames = FALSE,
-                  extensions = "Buttons",
-                  option = list(
-                    scroller = TRUE,
-                    scrollX = TRUE,
-                    "pagelength" = -1,
-                    dom = "Blfrtip",
-                    scrollX = T,
-                    buttons = list(
-                      list(extend = "excel",
-                        filename = "resume_per_etat_fonctionnement"))
-                ))
-              })
+                              rownames=FALSE,          
+                              extensions = "Buttons",
+                              option=list(
+                                scrollX = TRUE,
+                                dom= "Bfrtip", 
+                                buttons=
+                                  list('copy', 'print', list(
+                                    extend = 'collection',
+                                    buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
+                                    text = 'Download'
+                                  ))
+                              ))
+              },server = FALSE)
             } else {
               if (!input$box_tab_df_data$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_df_data", action = "toggle")
diff --git a/R/mod_civ_poids.R b/R/mod_civ_poids.R
index d533db86d8624e4d86f74e2de7c83c27ec0abbac..2d8a2c32374c934a2f1bdece78718a5ef933f67a 100644
--- a/R/mod_civ_poids.R
+++ b/R/mod_civ_poids.R
@@ -124,7 +124,13 @@ mod_civ_poids_server <- function(id, DD) {
           validate(need(!is.null(db_connection), "db needs connection"))
           r_gew <- new("report_ge_weight")
           ref_dc <- base::get("ref_dc", envir = envir_stacomi)
+          validate(need(input$civ_poids.datedebut<input$civ_poids.datefin,"la date de début doit être inférieure à la date de fin"))
           validate(need(length(ref_dc@dc_selected) > 0, "Pas de DC sélectionné"))
+          validate(need(length(ref_dc@dc_selected) < 2, "Vous ne pouvez sélectionner qu'un seul DC"))
+          #if (length(ref_dc@dc_selected) > 1){
+          #  warning ("Plusieurs DC sélectionnés, seul le premier sera utilisé")}
+          ref_dc@dc_selected<-ref_dc@dc_selected[1]
+          #browser()
           r_gew <- choice_c(
             dc = ref_dc@dc_selected,
@@ -178,11 +184,22 @@ mod_civ_poids_server <- function(id, DD) {
           if ("4" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
             if (input$box_tab_civpoids$collapsed)
               shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_civpoids", action = "toggle")
-            tab <- table(r_gew@calcdata$data)
-            tab2 <- data.frame(tab)
             output$tab_civpoids <- renderDT({
-              print(tab2)
-            })
+              DT::datatable(data.frame(r_gew@calcdata$data),
+                            rownames=FALSE,          
+                            extensions = "Buttons",
+                            option=list(
+                              scrollX = TRUE,
+                              dom= "Bfrtip", 
+                              buttons=
+                                list('copy', 'print', list(
+                                  extend = 'collection',
+                                  buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
+                                  text = 'Download'
+                                ))
+                            ))
+            },server = FALSE)
           } else {
             if (!input$box_tab_civpoids$collapsed)
               shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_civpoids", action = "toggle")
@@ -190,11 +207,22 @@ mod_civ_poids_server <- function(id, DD) {
           if ("5" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
             if (input$box_tab_civpoids2$collapsed)
               shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_civpoids2", action = "toggle")
-            tab3 <- table(r_gew@calcdata$coe)
-            tab4 <- data.frame(tab3)
             output$tab_civpoids2 <- renderDT({
-              print(tab4)
-            })
+              DT::datatable(as.data.frame(r_gew@calcdata$coe),
+                            rownames=FALSE,          
+                            extensions = "Buttons",
+                            option=list(
+                              scrollX = TRUE,
+                              dom= "Bfrtip", 
+                              buttons=
+                                list('copy', 'print', list(
+                                  extend = 'collection',
+                                  buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
+                                  text = 'Download'
+                                ))
+                            ))          
+            },server = FALSE)
           } else {
             if (!input$box_tab_civpoids2$collapsed)
               shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_civpoids2", action = "toggle")
diff --git a/R/mod_custom_plot.R b/R/mod_custom_plot.R
index 20b4001004339651e4a29f7b9f836adcb0534bcb..837b083c2d9c9fc9ad3db548ceea116bb3be1d1e 100644
--- a/R/mod_custom_plot.R
+++ b/R/mod_custom_plot.R
@@ -53,16 +53,16 @@ mod_custom_plot_server <- function(id,DD,mytab){
   moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session){
     ns <- session$ns
-       DD$login_button()
+       DD$login_button()      
-    palette_plot<-rownames(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info)
+    palette_plot <- rownames(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info)
+    palette_plot <- c("aucun", palette_plot)
     theme_plot_ggthemes<-ls("package:ggthemes")[grepl("theme_", ls("package:ggthemes"))]
-    theme_plot<-append(theme_plot_ggplot,theme_plot_ggthemes)
+    theme_plot<-c("aucun",theme_plot_ggplot,theme_plot_ggthemes)
     updateSelectInput(session, "select_palette_plot", 
                       choices = palette_plot
diff --git a/R/mod_custom_plot_interannual.R b/R/mod_custom_plot_interannual.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c64c2361ec94fc4474755d0a22d1ef09f00d6756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/mod_custom_plot_interannual.R
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#' custom_plot UI Function
+#' @description Shiny module based on mod_custom_plot, which applied to a shinydashboardPlus::box
+#' allows to interact and add reactive component to graphs. Here we use the same code but add a choice for the year
+#' of reference and the timesplit.
+#' @param id,input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
+#' @noRd 
+#' @importFrom shiny NS tagList 
+mod_custom_plot_interannual_ui <- function(id){
+  ns <- NS(id)
+  tagList(      
+      spsDepend("toastr"),
+      uiOutput(ns('pas_temps')),
+      uiOutput(ns("year_choice")),      
+      textInput(
+          inputId = ns("plot_title"),
+          label = "titre",
+          value = "", 
+          placeholder = "un titre"
+      ),
+      textInput(
+          inputId = ns("plot_xlab"),
+          label = "xlab",
+          value = "", 
+          placeholder = "axe des abscisses"
+      ),
+      textInput(
+          inputId = ns("plot_ylab"),
+          label = "ylab",
+          value = "", 
+          placeholder = "axe des ordonnées"
+      ),
+      selectInput(inputId=ns("select_palette_plot"), 
+          h5('Choisissez la palette :'),
+          selected=NULL, 
+          choices=NULL,
+          multiple = FALSE),
+      selectInput(inputId=ns("select_theme_plot"), 
+          h5('Choisissez le theme :'),
+          selected=NULL, 
+          choices=NULL,
+          multiple = FALSE),
+      actionBttn(ns("button_box_custom"), "OK"), 
+  )
+#' custom_plot Server Functions
+#' @noRd 
+#' @param show_pas_temps Do you wish to have the pas_temps in server (must be compatible with UI so check)
+#' @param show_year_choice Do you wish to have the year_choice in server (must be compatible with UI so check)
+mod_custom_plot_interannual_server <- function(id, DD, mytab, show_pas_temps=TRUE, show_year_choice =TRUE){
+  moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session){
+        ns <- session$ns
+        output$pas_temps <- renderUI({
+              if (show_pas_temps) {
+                selectizeInput(ns('pas_temps'), 
+                    h5('Choisissez un d\u00e9coupage :'),              
+                    selected="jour", 
+                    choices = c("Jour"="jour","Semaine"="semaine","Mois"="mois","Quinzaine"="quinzaine"),
+                    multiple = FALSE)
+              }}) 
+        output$year_choice <- renderUI({
+              if (show_year_choice) {
+              selectizeInput(ns("year_choice"),
+                  h5("choisissez l'année à comparer à l'historique :"),
+                  selected=tail(DD$annees_disponibles,1),
+                  choices = DD$annees_disponibles,
+                  multiple=FALSE)
+            }}) 
+#        observe(
+#          if (!is.null(DD$annees_disponibles)) {
+#            updateSelectInput(session, "year_choice",
+#                choices = DD$annees_disponibles
+#            )})
+        observeEvent(            
+            eventExpr={
+              DD$login_button()
+              DD$button_interannuel()
+            },
+            handlerExpr = {
+              shinyCatch({									
+                    palette_plot <- rownames(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info)
+                    palette_plot <- c("aucun", palette_plot)
+                    theme_plot_ggthemes<-ls("package:ggthemes")[grepl("theme_", ls("package:ggthemes"))]
+                    theme_plot_ggplot<-c("theme_gray","theme_bw","theme_linedraw","theme_light","theme_dark","theme_minimal","theme_classic","theme_void","theme_test")
+                    theme_plot<-c("aucun",theme_plot_ggplot,theme_plot_ggthemes)
+                    updateSelectInput(session, "select_palette_plot", 
+                        choices = palette_plot,
+                        selected="aucun"
+                    )
+                    updateSelectInput(session, "select_theme_plot", 
+                        choices = theme_plot
+                    )
+                    DD$annees_disponibles <- envir_stacomi$annees_disponibles
+                  }, blocking_level = "error")
+            },
+            ignoreInit=TRUE, 
+            ignoreNULL=TRUE,
+            priority = 0
+        )	
+        observeEvent({
+              input$button_box_custom
+            },{
+              shinyCatch({									
+                    assign("palette_plot",input$select_palette_plot,envir=envir_stacomi)
+                    assign("theme_plot",input$select_theme_plot,envir=envir_stacomi)
+                    assign("plot_title",input$plot_title,envir = envir_stacomi)
+                    assign("xlab",input$plot_xlab,envir = envir_stacomi)
+                    assign("ylab",input$plot_ylab,envir = envir_stacomi)
+                    assign("pas_temps", input$pas_temps, envir=envir_stacomi)
+                    if (!is.null(input$year_choice)){
+                    assign("year_choice", input$year_choice, envir=envir_stacomi)
+                  } else {
+                    assign("year_choice", tail(DD$annees_disponibles, 1), envir=envir_stacomi)
+                  }
+                  }, blocking_level = "error")
+            },
+            ignoreInit=TRUE, 
+            ignoreNULL=TRUE,
+            priority = 1
+        )	
+        return("button_box_custom" =reactive(input$button_box_custom))
+      })
+## To be copied in the UI
+# mod_custom_plot_ui("custom_plot_1")
+## To be copied in the server
+# mod_custom_plot_server("custom_plot_1")
diff --git a/R/mod_espece.R b/R/mod_espece.R
index 492750b4ee923fa2d76fbc385d61d88305e0e1b3..4e7c31d8e94d88679b2beafe72279d720ebea596 100644
--- a/R/mod_espece.R
+++ b/R/mod_espece.R
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ mod_espece_server <- function(id) {
             "Mois" = "month",
             "Ann\u00e9e" = "year"
+          shinybusy::show_modal_spinner(text="loading from db") 	
           bilesp <- choice_c(
             dc = ref_dc@dc_selected,
@@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ mod_espece_server <- function(id) {
           bilesp <- charge(bilesp, silent = TRUE)
           bilesp <- connect(bilesp, silent = TRUE)
           bilesp <- calcule(bilesp, silent = TRUE)
+          shinybusy::remove_modal_spinner() 
           if (nrow(bilesp@data) == 0) {
             warning("no data available")
           } else {
@@ -133,8 +135,21 @@ mod_espece_server <- function(id) {
             if ("3" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
               if (input$box_esp_summary$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_esp_summary", action = "toggle")
               output$tab_esp_summary <- renderDT({
-                bilesp@calcdata
-              })
+                DT::datatable(bilesp@calcdata,
+                              rownames=FALSE,          
+                              extensions = "Buttons",
+                              option=list(
+                                scrollX = TRUE,
+                                dom= "Bfrtip", 
+                                buttons=
+                                  list('copy', 'print', list(
+                                    extend = 'collection',
+                                    buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
+                                    text = 'Download'
+                                  ))
+                              ))
+              },server = FALSE)
             } else {
               if (!input$box_esp_summary$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_esp_summary", action = "toggle")
             }                        # end ifelse "3"
diff --git a/R/mod_header.R b/R/mod_header.R
index 673a33cae5872ee42ef6487533c5a1eb11753ed0..6a0459aaef9ab0df8a3c9b79b0648384c5843236 100644
--- a/R/mod_header.R
+++ b/R/mod_header.R
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ mod_header_server <- function(id) {
           # cat("choice db")
-          # browser()
+            #browser()
           db_connection <- new("ConnectionDB")
           db_connection <- connect(db_connection,
             base = c(dbname, host, port, user, password))
@@ -138,7 +138,9 @@ mod_header_server <- function(id) {
             }) # fin output$statut_connection
-          } # fin if
+          } else {
+            stop(db_connection@status)
+          }# fin if
diff --git a/R/mod_interannuel.R b/R/mod_interannuel.R
index c521c1fc55ea3dd57e5ced647d5f233369447d3d..d778a203067eb4ca34bab08a35ec75755e48e3be 100644
--- a/R/mod_interannuel.R
+++ b/R/mod_interannuel.R
@@ -9,165 +9,163 @@
 #' @importFrom shiny NS tagList
 #' @importFrom shinydashboard tabItem box
 #' @importFrom DT renderDT DTOutput
+#' @importFrom stringr str_split
 mod_interannuel_ui <- function(id){
-	ns <- NS(id)
-	tabItem(tabName = "interannuel",
-			shinydashboardPlus::box(
-					title = "S\u00e9lections :",
-					solidHeader = TRUE, 
-					#icon("list-alt"),				
-					collapsible = TRUE,
-					status="primary",
-					width = 3,
-					sliderInput(ns("slider_interannuel_annee"), 
-							label = h5("Choisissez l\'ann\u00e9e"),
-							min = 1980,
-							max = CY, 
-							value = c(2011, CY)),
-					mod_ref_taxa_ui("ref_taxa_mod_interannuel", multiple=FALSE),
-					mod_ref_stage_ui("ref_stage_mod_interannuel", multiple=FALSE), 
-					selectizeInput(ns('pas_temps'), h5('Choisissez un d\u00e9coupage :'),
-							selected="Jour", choices = c("Jour","Semaine","Mois","Quinzaine"),
-							multiple = FALSE),
-					checkboxGroupInput(ns("choix_sorties"), 
-							label = h5("Choisissez les sorties graphiques ou tableaux :"),
-							choices = list("plot_line" = 1, 
-									"plot_standard" = 2, 
-									"plot_step" = 3,
-									"plot_barchart"= 4,
-									"plot_pointRange"= 5,
-									"plot_density"= 6,
-									"plot_seasonal"= 7,
-									"tab_summary"= 8),
-							selected = 1),
-					actionBttn(
-							inputId = ns("bttn_interannuel"),
-							label = "OK",
-							style = "fill", 
-							color = "primary"
-					)		
-			),
-			shinydashboardPlus::box(
-					id=ns("box_interannuel_line"),
-					title="Line",
-					status = "primary",
-					solidHeader = TRUE,
-					collapsible = TRUE,
-					collapsed=TRUE,
-					sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
-					  id = ns("box_interannuel_line_sidebar"),
-					  width = 25,
-					  mod_custom_plot_ui("custom_plot_interannuel_1"),
-					),
-					plotOutput(ns("plot_interannuel_line"))),
-			shinydashboardPlus::box(	
-					id=ns("box_interannuel_standard"),
-					title="Standard",
-					status = "primary",
-					solidHeader = TRUE,
-					collapsible = TRUE,
-					collapsed=TRUE,
-					# sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
-					#   id = ns("box_interannuel_standard_sidebar"),
-					#   width = 25,
-					#   mod_custom_plot_ui("custom_plot_interannuel_2"),
-					# ),
-					plotOutput(ns("plot_interannuel_standard"))),
-			shinydashboardPlus::box(
-					id=ns("box_interannuel_step"),
-					title="Step",
-					status = "primary",
-					solidHeader = TRUE,
-					collapsible = TRUE,
-					collapsed=TRUE,	
-					sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
-					  id = ns("box_interannuel_step_sidebar"),
-					  width = 25,
-					  mod_custom_plot_ui("custom_plot_interannuel_3"),
-					),
-					plotOutput(ns("plot_interannuel_step"))),
-			shinydashboardPlus::box(
-					id=ns("box_interannuel_barchart"),
-					title="Barchart",
-					status = "primary",
-					solidHeader = TRUE,
-					collapsible = TRUE,
-					collapsed=TRUE,
-					# sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
-					#   id = ns("box_interannuel_barchart_sidebar"),
-					#   width = 25,
-					#   mod_custom_plot_ui("custom_plot_interannuel_4"),
-					# ),
-					plotOutput(ns("plot_interannuel_barchart"))),
-			shinydashboardPlus::box(
-					id=ns("box_interannuel_pointrange"),
-					title="Pointrange",
-					status = "primary",
-					solidHeader = TRUE,
-					collapsible = TRUE,
-					collapsed=TRUE,
-					# sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
-					#   id = ns("box_interannuel_pointrange_sidebar"),
-					#   width = 25,
-					#   mod_custom_plot_ui("custom_plot_interannuel_5"),
-					# ),
-					plotOutput(ns("plot_interannuel_pointRange"))),
-			shinydashboardPlus::box(
-					id=ns("box_interannuel_density"),
-					title="density",
-					status = "primary",
-					solidHeader = TRUE,
-					collapsible = TRUE,
-					collapsed=TRUE,
-					sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
-					  id = ns("box_interannuel_density_sidebar"),
-					  width = 25,
-					  mod_custom_plot_ui("custom_plot_interannuel_6"),
-					),
-					plotOutput(ns("plot_interannuel_density"))),
-			shinydashboardPlus::box(
-					id=ns("box_interannuel_seasonal"),
-					title="Seasonal",
-					status = "primary",
-					solidHeader = TRUE,
-					collapsible = TRUE,
-					collapsed=TRUE,	
-					sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
-					  id = ns("box_interannuel_seasonal_sidebar"),
-					  width = 25,
-					  mod_custom_plot_ui("custom_plot_interannuel_7"),
-					),
-					plotOutput(ns("plot_interannuel_seasonal"))),
-			shinydashboardPlus::box(
-					id=ns("box_interannuel_summary"),
-					title="Summary",
-					width=9,	
-					solidHeader = TRUE, 
-					collapsible = TRUE,
-					actionButton(ns("box_summary_update"), "Choix du DC"),
-					sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
-							id = ns("box_summary_sidebar"),
-							width = 25,
-							selectizeInput(ns("select_dc_summary_interannuel"), 
-									h5('Choisissez le DC :'),
-									selected=NULL, 
-									choices=NULL,
-									multiple = FALSE),
-							selectizeInput(ns("select_year_summary_interannuel"), 
-									h5("Choisissez l''année de calcul :"),
-									selected=NULL, 
-									choices=NULL,
-									multiple = FALSE),
-					),
-					DTOutput(ns("tab_interannuel_summary"))			
-			)
-	)
+  ns <- NS(id)
+  tabItem(tabName = "interannuel",
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          title = "S\u00e9lections :",
+          solidHeader = TRUE, 
+          #icon("list-alt"),				
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          status="primary",
+          width = 3,
+          sliderInput(ns("slider_interannuel_annee"), 
+              label = h5("Choisissez les \'ann\u00e9es"),
+              min = 1980,
+              max = CY, 
+              value = c(2011, CY)),
+          # todo add year selected choice there (no effect for seasonal)
+          mod_ref_taxa_ui("ref_taxa_mod_interannuel", multiple=FALSE),
+          mod_ref_stage_ui("ref_stage_mod_interannuel", multiple=FALSE), 	
+          checkboxGroupInput(ns("choix_sorties"), 
+              label = h5("Choisissez les sorties graphiques ou tableaux :"),
+              choices = list("plot_line" = 1, 
+                  "plot_standard" = 2, 
+                  "plot_step" = 3,
+                  "plot_barchart"= 4,
+                  "plot_pointRange"= 5,
+                  "plot_density"= 6,
+                  "plot_seasonal"= 7,
+                  "tab_summary"= 8),
+              selected = 1),
+          actionBttn(
+              inputId = ns("bttn_interannuel"),
+              label = "OK",
+              style = "fill", 
+              color = "primary"
+          )		
+      ),
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          id=ns("box_interannuel_line"),
+          title="Line",
+          status = "primary",
+          solidHeader = TRUE,
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          collapsed=TRUE,
+          sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
+              id = ns("box_interannuel_line_sidebar"),
+              width = 25,
+              mod_custom_plot_interannual_ui("custom_plot_interannuel_line"),
+          ),
+          plotOutput(ns("plot_interannuel_line"))),
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(	
+          id=ns("box_interannuel_standard"),
+          title="Standard",
+          status = "primary",
+          solidHeader = TRUE,
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          collapsed=TRUE,
+          sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
+              id = ns("box_interannuel_standard_sidebar"),
+              width = 25,
+              mod_custom_plot_interannual_ui("custom_plot_interannuel_standard"),
+          ),
+          plotOutput(ns("plot_interannuel_standard"))),
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          id=ns("box_interannuel_step"),
+          title="Step",
+          status = "primary",
+          solidHeader = TRUE,
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          collapsed=TRUE,	
+          sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
+              id = ns("box_interannuel_step_sidebar"),
+              width = 25,
+              mod_custom_plot_interannual_ui("custom_plot_interannuel_step"),
+          ),
+          plotOutput(ns("plot_interannuel_step"))),
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          id=ns("box_interannuel_barchart"),
+          title="Barchart",
+          status = "primary",
+          solidHeader = TRUE,
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          collapsed=TRUE,
+          sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
+              id = ns("box_interannuel_barchart_sidebar"),
+              width = 25,
+              mod_custom_plot_interannual_ui("custom_plot_interannuel_barchart"),
+          ),
+          plotOutput(ns("plot_interannuel_barchart"))),
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          id=ns("box_interannuel_pointrange"),
+          title="Pointrange",
+          status = "primary",
+          solidHeader = TRUE,
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          collapsed=TRUE,
+          sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
+              id = ns("box_interannuel_pointrange_sidebar"),
+              width = 25,
+              mod_custom_plot_interannual_ui("custom_plot_interannuel_pointrange"),
+          ),
+          plotOutput(ns("plot_interannuel_pointrange"))),
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          id=ns("box_interannuel_density"),
+          title="density",
+          status = "primary",
+          solidHeader = TRUE,
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          collapsed=TRUE,
+          sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
+              id = ns("box_interannuel_density_sidebar"),
+              width = 25,
+              mod_custom_plot_ui("custom_plot_interannuel_density"),
+          ),
+          plotOutput(ns("plot_interannuel_density"))),
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          id=ns("box_interannuel_seasonal"),
+          title="Seasonal",
+          status = "primary",
+          solidHeader = TRUE,
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          collapsed=TRUE,	
+          sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
+              id = ns("box_interannuel_seasonal_sidebar"),
+              width = 25,
+              mod_custom_plot_interannual_ui("custom_plot_interannuel_seasonal"),
+          ),
+          plotOutput(ns("plot_interannuel_seasonal"))),
+      shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          id=ns("box_interannuel_summary"),
+          title="Summary",
+          width=9,	
+          solidHeader = TRUE, 
+          collapsible = TRUE,
+          actionButton(ns("box_summary_update"), "Choix du DC"),
+          sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
+              id = ns("box_summary_sidebar"),
+              width = 25,
+              selectizeInput(ns("select_dc_summary_interannuel"), 
+                  h5('Choisissez le DC :'),
+                  selected=NULL, 
+                  choices=NULL,
+                  multiple = FALSE),
+              selectizeInput(ns("select_year_summary_interannuel"), 
+                  h5("Choisissez l''année de calcul :"),
+                  selected=NULL, 
+                  choices=NULL,
+                  multiple = FALSE),
+          ),
+          DTOutput(ns("tab_interannuel_summary"))			
+      )
+  )
 #' interannuel Server Functions
@@ -175,390 +173,415 @@ mod_interannuel_ui <- function(id){
 #' @noRd 
 #' @importFrom shinipsum random_ggplot random_DT
 mod_interannuel_server <- function(id,DD){
-	moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session){
-				ns <- session$ns
-				#observe(print(input$box_summary_sidebar))
-				# pour la sidebar de summary, voir https://rinterface.github.io/shinydashboardPlus/articles/improved-boxes.html#box-components-1
-				observeEvent(input$box_summary_update, {
-							shinydashboardPlus::updateBoxSidebar("box_summary_sidebar")
-						})
-				observeEvent(
-						eventExpr={
-							input$bttn_interannuel
-							# les buttons qui suivent sont cachés dans la box summary 
-							input$select_dc_summary_interannuel
-							input$select_year_summary_interannuel
-						},
-						handlerExpr={	
-							shinyCatch({		
-										# Bilan migration interannuel -----------------------						
-										validate(need(exists("envir_stacomi"), "Le programme stacomi doit être lancé"))
-										db_connection <- envir_stacomi$db_connection
-										validate(need(!is.null(db_connection), "db needs connection"))
-										r_mig_interannual <- new("report_mig_interannual")
-										ref_dc <- base::get("ref_dc", envir=envir_stacomi)
-										validate(need(length(ref_dc@dc_selected) >0, "No dc selected"))
-										ref_taxa <- base::get("ref_taxa", envir=envir_stacomi)
-										validate(need(length(ref_taxa@taxa_selected) >0, "No taxa selected") )
-										if (length(ref_taxa@taxa_selected) >1) 
-											ref_taxa@taxa_selected <- ref_taxa@taxa_selected[1]
-										ref_stage <- base::get("ref_stage", envir=envir_stacomi)
-										validate(need(length(ref_stage@stage_selected) >0, "No stage selected") )
-										if (length(ref_stage@stage_selected) >1) 
-											ref_stage@stage_selected <- ref_stage@stage_selected[1]
-										req(!is.null(input$slider_interannuel_annee[2]))
-										#shinybusy::show_modal_spinner(spin="flower", text="loading from db") 										
-										r_mig_interannual <- choice_c(r_mig_interannual,
-												dc=ref_dc@dc_selected,
-												taxa=ref_taxa@taxa_selected,
-												stage=ref_stage@stage_selected,
-												start_year=input$slider_interannuel_annee[1],
-												end_year=input$slider_interannuel_annee[2],
-												silent=TRUE)
-										r_mig_interannual <-charge(r_mig_interannual)
-										r_mig_interannual <- connect(r_mig_interannual, silent = TRUE)
-										#shinybusy::remove_modal_spinner() 
-										# silent = TRUE sinon redemande avant de ré-écrire
-										r_mig_interannual <- calcule(r_mig_interannual, silent = FALSE)
-										# graphiques et sorties ----------------------
-										if (nrow(r_mig_interannual@data)==0){
-											warning("no data available")
-										}	else {										
-											if ("1" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
-												if (input$box_interannuel_line$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_line", action = "toggle")
-												output$plot_interannuel_line <- renderPlot({
-															stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "line", silent = TRUE)
-														})
-											} else {
-												if (!input$box_interannuel_line$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_line", action = "toggle")
-											}#end if "1"
-											if ("2" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
-												if (input$box_interannuel_standard$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_standard", action = "toggle")
-												output$plot_interannuel_standard <- renderPlot({
-															stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "standard", silent = TRUE)
-														})
-											} else {
-												if (!input$box_interannuel_standard$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_standard", action = "toggle")
-											} # end if "2"
-											if ("3" %in% input$choix_sorties) {	
-												if (input$box_interannuel_step$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_step", action = "toggle")
-												output$plot_interannuel_step <- renderPlot({															
-															stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "step", silent = TRUE)
-														})
-											} else {
-												if (!input$box_interannuel_step$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_step", action = "toggle")
-											}# end if "3"
-											if ("4" %in% input$choix_sorties) {		
-												if (input$box_interannuel_barchart$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_barchart", action = "toggle")
-												output$plot_interannuel_barchart <- renderPlot({
-															stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "barchart", silent = TRUE)
-														})
-											} else {
-												if (!input$box_interannuel_barchart$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_barchart", action = "toggle")
-											}# end if "4"	
-											if ("5" %in% input$choix_sorties) {	
-												if (input$box_interannuel_pointrange$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_pointrange", action = "toggle")
-												output$plot_interannuel_pointRange <- renderPlot({
-															stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "pointrange", silent = TRUE)													
-														})
-											} else {
-												if (!input$box_interannuel_pointrange$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_pointrange", action = "toggle")												
-											}# end if "5"	
-											if ("6" %in% input$choix_sorties) {	
-												if (input$box_interannuel_density$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_density", action = "toggle")
-												output$plot_interannuel_density <- renderPlot({
-															stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "density", silent = TRUE)
-														})	
-											} else {
-												if (!input$box_interannuel_density$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_density", action = "toggle")
-											}# end if "6"	
-											if ("7" %in% input$choix_sorties) {	
-												if (input$box_interannuel_seasonal$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_seasonal", action = "toggle")
-												output$plot_interannuel_seasonal <- renderPlot({
-															stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "seasonal", silent = TRUE)
-														})
-											} else {
-												if (!input$box_interannuel_seasonal$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_seasonal", action = "toggle")
-											}# end if "7"	
-											if ("8" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
-												if (input$box_interannuel_summary$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_summary", action = "toggle")
+  moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session){
+        ns <- session$ns
+        #observe(print(input$box_summary_sidebar))
+        # pour la sidebar de summary, voir https://rinterface.github.io/shinydashboardPlus/articles/improved-boxes.html#box-components-1
+        observeEvent(input$box_summary_update, {
+              shinydashboardPlus::updateBoxSidebar("box_summary_sidebar")
+            })
+        observeEvent(
+            eventExpr={
+              input$bttn_interannuel
+              # les buttons qui suivent sont cachés dans la box summary 
+              input$select_dc_summary_interannuel
+              input$select_year_summary_interannuel
+            },
+            handlerExpr={	
+              shinyCatch({		
+                    # Bilan migration interannuel -----------------------						
+                    validate(need(exists("envir_stacomi"), "Le programme stacomi doit être lancé"))
+                    db_connection <- envir_stacomi$db_connection
+                    validate(need(!is.null(db_connection), "db needs connection"))
+                    r_mig_interannual <- new("report_mig_interannual")
+                    ref_dc <- base::get("ref_dc", envir=envir_stacomi)
+                    validate(need(length(ref_dc@dc_selected) >0, "No dc selected"))
+                    ref_taxa <- base::get("ref_taxa", envir=envir_stacomi)
+                    validate(need(length(ref_taxa@taxa_selected) >0, "No taxa selected") )
+                    if (length(ref_taxa@taxa_selected) >1) 
+                      ref_taxa@taxa_selected <- ref_taxa@taxa_selected[1]
+                    ref_stage <- base::get("ref_stage", envir=envir_stacomi)
+                    validate(need(length(ref_stage@stage_selected) >0, "No stage selected") )
+                    if (length(ref_stage@stage_selected) >1) 
+                      ref_stage@stage_selected <- ref_stage@stage_selected[1]
+                    req(!is.null(input$slider_interannuel_annee[2]))
+                    shinybusy::show_modal_spinner(spin="flower", text="loading from db") 										
+                    r_mig_interannual <- choice_c(r_mig_interannual,
+                        dc=ref_dc@dc_selected,
+                        taxa=ref_taxa@taxa_selected,
+                        stage=ref_stage@stage_selected,
+                        start_year=input$slider_interannuel_annee[1],
+                        end_year=input$slider_interannuel_annee[2],
+                        silent=TRUE)
+                    r_mig_interannual <-charge(r_mig_interannual)
+                    r_mig_interannual <- connect(r_mig_interannual, silent = TRUE)
+                    shinybusy::remove_modal_spinner() 
+                    # silent = TRUE sinon redemande avant de ré-écrire
+                    r_mig_interannual <- calcule(r_mig_interannual, silent = FALSE)
+                    annees_disponibles <- unique(r_mig_interannual@data$bjo_annee)
+                    assign("annees_disponibles", annees_disponibles, envir=envir_stacomi)
+                    # graphiques et sorties ----------------------
+                    if (nrow(r_mig_interannual@data)==0){
+                      warning("no data available")
+                    }	else {										
+                      if ("1" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
+                        if (input$box_interannuel_line$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_line", action = "toggle")
+                        output$plot_interannuel_line <- renderPlot({
+                              stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "line", silent = TRUE)
+                            })
+                      } else {
+                        if (!input$box_interannuel_line$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_line", action = "toggle")
+                      }#end if "1"
+                      if ("2" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
+                        if (input$box_interannuel_standard$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_standard", action = "toggle")
+                        output$plot_interannuel_standard <- renderPlot({
+                              stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "standard", silent = TRUE)
+                            })
+                      } else {
+                        if (!input$box_interannuel_standard$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_standard", action = "toggle")
+                      } # end if "2"
+                      if ("3" %in% input$choix_sorties) {	
+                        if (input$box_interannuel_step$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_step", action = "toggle")
+                        output$plot_interannuel_step <- renderPlot({															
+                              stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "step", silent = TRUE)
+                            })
+                      } else {
+                        if (!input$box_interannuel_step$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_step", action = "toggle")
+                      }# end if "3"
+                      if ("4" %in% input$choix_sorties) {		
+                        if (input$box_interannuel_barchart$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_barchart", action = "toggle")
+                        output$plot_interannuel_barchart <- renderPlot({
+                              stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "barchart", timesplit = "jour", silent = TRUE)
+                            })
+                      } else {
+                        if (!input$box_interannuel_barchart$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_barchart", action = "toggle")
+                      }# end if "4"	
+                      if ("5" %in% input$choix_sorties) {	
+                        if (input$box_interannuel_pointrange$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_pointrange", action = "toggle")
+                        output$plot_interannuel_pointrange <- renderPlot({
+                              stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "pointrange", timesplit = "jour", silent = TRUE)													
+                            })
+                      } else {
+                        if (!input$box_interannuel_pointrange$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_pointrange", action = "toggle")												
+                      }# end if "5"	
+                      if ("6" %in% input$choix_sorties) {	
+                        if (input$box_interannuel_density$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_density", action = "toggle")
+                        output$plot_interannuel_density <- renderPlot({
+                              stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "density", silent = TRUE)
+                            })	
+                      } else {
+                        if (!input$box_interannuel_density$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_density", action = "toggle")
+                      }# end if "6"	
+                      if ("7" %in% input$choix_sorties) {	
+                        if (input$box_interannuel_seasonal$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_seasonal", action = "toggle")
+                        output$plot_interannuel_seasonal <- renderPlot({
+                              stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "seasonal", timesplit = "jour",  silent = TRUE)
+                            })
+                      } else {
+                        if (!input$box_interannuel_seasonal$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_seasonal", action = "toggle")
+                      }# end if "7"	
+                      if ("8" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
+                        if (input$box_interannuel_summary$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_summary", action = "toggle")
+                        selected_dc <- input$select_dc_summary_interannuel
+                        selected_year <- input$select_year_summary_interannuel
+                        # mise à jour du combo des DC dans la box summary quand il est vide ----------------
+                        if (selected_dc=="") {
+                          selected_dc <- as.character(ref_dc@dc_selected[1])														
+                          updateSelectInput(session, "select_dc_summary_interannuel", 
+                              choices = ref_dc@dc_selected,
+                              selected = ref_dc@dc_selected[1]
+                          )	
+                        }
+                        # mise à jour du combo pour selectionner l'année de réference dans la box summary ----
+                        years <-  unique(r_mig_interannual@data$bjo_annee)
+                        if (selected_year==""){
+                          updateSelectInput(session, "select_year_summary_interannuel", 
+                              choices = years,
+                              selected = years[length(years)]
+                          )	
+                          selected_year <-  years[length(years)]
+                        }
+                        summary <- stacomiR::summary(r_mig_interannual, year_choice=selected_year, silent =TRUE)
+                        output$tab_interannuel_summary <- renderDT({
+                              summary[[selected_dc]]
+                            })
+                      } else {
+                        if (!input$box_interannuel_summary$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_summary", action = "toggle")
+                      }# end if "8"
+                    } # end else
+                    observeEvent({
+                          DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_line()										  
+                        },{
+                          shinyCatch({
+                                palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
+                                plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
+                                plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
+                                plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
+                                theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
+                                year_choice <- envir_stacomi$year_choice  
+                                stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "line",  year_choice = year_choice, silent = TRUE)
+                                g_interannuel_line <- envir_stacomi$g_line
+                                if (plot_title != "") g_interannuel_line <- g_interannuel_line + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+                                if (plot_ylab != "")  g_interannuel_line <- g_interannuel_line +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+                                if (plot_xlab != "")  g_interannuel_line <- g_interannuel_line +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_interannuel_line <- g_interannuel_line +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_interannuel_line <- g_interannuel_line +  ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
+                                output$plot_interannuel_line<-renderPlot({
+                                      g_interannuel_line
+                                    })
+                              },blocking_level = "error"
+                          )
+                        },
+                        ignoreInit=TRUE,
+                        ignoreNULL = TRUE
+                    )
+                    observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_standard()
+                        },{
+                          shinyCatch({
+                                palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
+                                plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
+                                plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
+                                plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
+                                theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
+                                g_interannuel_barchart <- envir_stacomi$g_standard
+                                title <- g_interannuel_standard$labels$title
+                                legend_title <- stringr::str_split(title,",")[[1]][3]
+                                the_choice <- stringr::str_split(stringr::str_split(title,",")[[1]][3],"/")[[1]][1]
+                                labels <- stringr::str_split(stringr::str_split(title,",")[[1]][3],"/")[[1]][2]
+                                if (plot_title != "") g_interannuel_standard <- g_interannuel_standard + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+                                if (plot_ylab != "")  g_interannuel_standard <- g_interannuel_standard +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+                                if (plot_xlab != "")  g_interannuel_standard <- g_interannuel_standard +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_interannuel_standard <- g_interannuel_standard +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_interannuel_standard <- g_interannuel_standard +  ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
+                                output$plot_interannuel_standard<-renderPlot({
+                                      g_interannuel_standard
+                                    })
+                              },blocking_level = "error"
+                          )},
+                        ignoreInit=TRUE,
+                        ignoreNULL = TRUE
+                    )
+                    observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_step()
+                        },{
+                          shinyCatch({
+                                palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
+                                plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
+                                plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
+                                plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
+                                theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
+                                year_choice <- envir_stacomi$year_choice  
+                                stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "step",  year_choice = year_choice, silent = TRUE)
+                                g_interannuel_step <- envir_stacomi$g_step
+                                if (plot_title != "") g_interannuel_step <- g_interannuel_step + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+                                if (plot_ylab != "")  g_interannuel_step <- g_interannuel_step +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+                                if (plot_xlab != "")  g_interannuel_step <- g_interannuel_step +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_interannuel_step <- g_interannuel_step +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_interannuel_step <- g_interannuel_step +  ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
+                                output$plot_interannuel_step<-renderPlot({
+                                      g_interannuel_step
+                                    })
+                              },blocking_level = "error"
+                          )},
+                        ignoreInit=TRUE,
+                        ignoreNULL = TRUE
+                    )
+                    observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_barchart()
+                        },{
+                          shinyCatch({       
+                                # this comes from the module
+                                palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
+                                plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
+                                plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
+                                plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
+                                theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
+                                pas_temps <- envir_stacomi$pas_temps                           
+                                year_choice <- envir_stacomi$year_choice
+                                stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "barchart", timesplit = pas_temps, year_choice=year_choice,  silent = TRUE)
+                                g_interannuel_barchart <- envir_stacomi$g_barchart  
+                                if (plot_title != "") g_interannuel_standard <- g_interannuel_barchart + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+                                if (plot_ylab != "")  g_interannuel_barchart <- g_interannuel_barchart +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+                                if (plot_xlab != "")  g_interannuel_barchart <- g_interannuel_barchart +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_interannuel_barchart <- g_interannuel_barchart +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_interannuel_barchart <- g_interannuel_barchart +  ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
+                                output$plot_interannuel_barchart <- renderPlot({
+                                      g_interannuel_barchart
+                                    })                           
+                              },blocking_level = "error"
+                          )},
+                        ignoreInit=TRUE,
+                        ignoreNULL = TRUE
+                    )
+                    observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_pointrange()
+                        },{
+                          shinyCatch({
+                                palette_plot <- envir_stacomi$palette_plot
+                                plot_title <- envir_stacomi$plot_title
+                                plot_xlab <- envir_stacomi$xlab
+                                plot_ylab <- envir_stacomi$ylab
+                                theme_plot <- envir_stacomi$theme_plot
+                                pas_temps <- envir_stacomi$pas_temps  
+                                year_choice <- envir_stacomi$year_choice
+                                stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "pointrange",  timesplit = pas_temps, year_choice=year_choice, silent = TRUE)
+                                g_interannuel_pointrange <- envir_stacomi$g_pointrange
+                                if (plot_title != "") g_interannuel_pointrange <- g_interannuel_pointrange + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+                                if (plot_ylab != "")  g_interannuel_pointrange <- g_interannuel_pointrange +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+                                if (plot_xlab != "")  g_interannuel_pointrange <- g_interannuel_pointrange +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_interannuel_pointrange <- g_interannuel_pointrange +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_interannuel_pointrange <- g_interannuel_pointrange +  ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
+                                output$plot_interannuel_pointrange<-renderPlot({
+                                      g_interannuel_pointrange
+                                    })
+                              },blocking_level = "error"
+                          )},
+                        ignoreInit=TRUE,
+                        ignoreNULL = TRUE
+                    )
+                    observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_density()
+                        },{
+                          shinyCatch({
+                                palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
+                                plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
+                                plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
+                                plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
+                                theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
+                                g_interannuel_density <- envir_stacomi$g_density
+                                if (plot_title != "") g_interannuel_density <- g_interannuel_density + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+                                if (plot_ylab != "")  g_interannuel_density <- g_interannuel_density +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+                                if (plot_xlab != "")  g_interannuel_density <- g_interannuel_density +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_interannuel_density <- g_interannuel_density +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_interannuel_density <- g_interannuel_density +  ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
+                                output$plot_interannuel_density <- renderPlot({
+                                      g_interannuel_density
+                                    })
+                              },blocking_level = "error"
+                          )},
+                        ignoreInit=TRUE,
+                        ignoreNULL = TRUE
+                    )
+                    observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_seasonal()
+                        },{
+                          shinyCatch({
+                                palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
+                                plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
+                                plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
+                                plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
+                                theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
+                                pas_temps <- envir_stacomi$pas_temps  
+                                stacomiR::plot(r_mig_interannual, plot.type = "seasonal",  timesplit = pas_temps, silent = TRUE)
+                                g_interannuel_seasonal <- envir_stacomi$g_seasonal
+                                if (plot_title != "") g_interannuel_seasonal <- g_interannuel_seasonal + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+                                if (plot_ylab != "")  g_interannuel_seasonal <- g_interannuel_seasonal +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+                                if (plot_xlab != "")  g_interannuel_seasonal <- g_interannuel_seasonal +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_interannuel_seasonal <- g_interannuel_seasonal +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                                if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_interannuel_seasonal <- g_interannuel_seasonal +  ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
+                                output$plot_interannuel_seasonal<-renderPlot({
+                                      g_interannuel_seasonal
+                                    })
+                              },blocking_level = "error"
+                          )},
+                        ignoreInit=TRUE,
+                        ignoreNULL = TRUE
+                    )
+                  }) # end shiny catch										
+            }, ignoreInit=TRUE, ignoreNULL = TRUE)# end observeEvent						
+            return(reactive(input$bttn_interannuel))
+            }
-												selected_dc <- input$select_dc_summary_interannuel
-												selected_year <- input$select_year_summary_interannuel
-												# mise à jour du combo des DC dans la box summary quand il est vide ----------------
-												if (selected_dc=="") {
-													selected_dc <- as.character(ref_dc@dc_selected[1])														
-													updateSelectInput(session, "select_dc_summary_interannuel", 
-															choices = ref_dc@dc_selected,
-															selected = ref_dc@dc_selected[1]
-													)	
-												}
-												# mise à jour du combo pour selectionner l'année de réference dans la box summary ----
-												years <-  unique(r_mig_interannual@data$bjo_annee)
-												if (selected_year==""){
-													updateSelectInput(session, "select_year_summary_interannuel", 
-															choices = years,
-															selected = years[length(years)]
-													)	
-													selected_year <-  years[length(years)]
-												}
-											summary <- stacomiR::summary(r_mig_interannual, year_choice=selected_year, silent =TRUE)
-											output$tab_interannuel_summary <- renderDT({
-														summary[[selected_dc]]
-													})
-										} else {
-											if (!input$box_interannuel_summary$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_interannuel_summary", action = "toggle")
-										}# end if "8"
-									} # end else
-										observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_1()
-										},{
-										  shinyCatch({
-										    palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
-										    plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
-										    plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
-										    plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
-										    theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
-										    g_interannuel_1=envir_stacomi$g
-										    g_interannuel_1 <- g_interannuel_1+
-										      ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-										      ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-										      ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-										      ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-										      match.fun(theme_plot)()
-										    output$plot_interannuel_line<-renderPlot({
-										      g_interannuel_1
-										    })
-										  },blocking_level = "error"
-										  )},
-										ignoreInit=TRUE,
-										ignoreNULL = TRUE
-										)
-										observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_2()
-										},{
-										  shinyCatch({
-										    palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
-										    plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
-										    plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
-										    plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
-										    theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
-										    g_interannuel_2=envir_stacomi$g
-										    g_interannuel_2 <- g_interannuel_2+
-										      ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-										      ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-										      ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-										      ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-										      match.fun(theme_plot)()
-										    output$plot_interannuel_standard<-renderPlot({
-										      g_interannuel_2
-										    })
-										  },blocking_level = "error"
-										  )},
-										ignoreInit=TRUE,
-										ignoreNULL = TRUE
-										)
-										observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_3()
-										},{
-										  shinyCatch({
-										    palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
-										    plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
-										    plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
-										    plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
-										    theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
-										    g_interannuel_3=envir_stacomi$g
-										    g_interannuel_3 <- g_interannuel_3+
-										      ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-										      ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-										      ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-										      ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-										      match.fun(theme_plot)()
-										    output$plot_interannuel_step<-renderPlot({
-										      g_interannuel_3
-										    })
-										  },blocking_level = "error"
-										  )},
-										ignoreInit=TRUE,
-										ignoreNULL = TRUE
-										)
-										observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_4()
-										},{
-										  shinyCatch({
-										    palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
-										    plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
-										    plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
-										    plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
-										    theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
-										    g_interannuel_4=envir_stacomi$g
-										    g_interannuel_4 <- g_interannuel_4+
-										      ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-										      ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-										      ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-										      ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-										      match.fun(theme_plot)()
-										    output$plot_interannuel_barchart<-renderPlot({
-										      g_interannuel_4
-										    })
-										  },blocking_level = "error"
-										  )},
-										ignoreInit=TRUE,
-										ignoreNULL = TRUE
-										)
-										observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_5()
-										},{
-										  shinyCatch({
-										    palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
-										    plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
-										    plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
-										    plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
-										    theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
-										    g_interannuel_5=envir_stacomi$g
-										    g_interannuel_5 <- g_interannuel_5+
-										      ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-										      ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-										      ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-										      ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-										      match.fun(theme_plot)()
-										    output$plot_interannuel_pointrange<-renderPlot({
-										      g_interannuel_5
-										    })
-										  },blocking_level = "error"
-										  )},
-										ignoreInit=TRUE,
-										ignoreNULL = TRUE
-										)
-										observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_6()
-										},{
-										  shinyCatch({
-										    palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
-										    plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
-										    plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
-										    plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
-										    theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
-										    g_interannuel_6=envir_stacomi$g
-										    g_interannuel_6 <- g_interannuel_6+
-										      ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-										      ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-										      ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-										      ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-										      match.fun(theme_plot)()
-										    output$plot_interannuel_density<-renderPlot({
-										      g_interannuel_6
-										    })
-										  },blocking_level = "error"
-										  )},
-										ignoreInit=TRUE,
-										ignoreNULL = TRUE
-										)
-										observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_interannuel_7()
-										},{
-										  shinyCatch({
-										    palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
-										    plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
-										    plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
-										    plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
-										    theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
-										    g_interannuel_7=envir_stacomi$g
-										    g_interannuel_7 <- g_interannuel_7+
-										      ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-										      ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-										      ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-										      ggplot2::scale_fill_distiller(palette = palette_plot,name="Effectif")+
-										      match.fun(theme_plot)()
-										    output$plot_interannuel_seasonal<-renderPlot({
-										      g_interannuel_7
-										    })
-										  },blocking_level = "error"
-										  )},
-										ignoreInit=TRUE,
-										ignoreNULL = TRUE
-										)
-						}) # end shiny catch										
-			}, ignoreInit=TRUE, ignoreNULL = TRUE)# end observeEvent						
-}) # end moduleServer
+      ) # end moduleServer
 ## To be copied in the UI
diff --git a/R/mod_mig_char.R b/R/mod_mig_char.R
index 3f3090acd10dd0bd96391270aa37ef7629a7c787..f4fcc43de3504d72d71ff96a23c7085a30a287f9 100644
--- a/R/mod_mig_char.R
+++ b/R/mod_mig_char.R
@@ -351,8 +351,19 @@ mod_migr_car_server <- function(id, DD){
           if ("button_migr_car_data" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
             if (input$box_migr_car_data$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_migr_car_data", action = "toggle")
             output$tab_migr_car_data <- renderDT({
-              stacomiR::summary(r_mig_char)
-            })
+              DT::datatable(r_mig_char@calcdata,
+                            rownames=FALSE,          
+                            extensions = "Buttons",
+                            option=list(
+                              scrollX = TRUE,
+                              dom= "Bfrtip",
+                              buttons=list('copy', 'print', list(
+                                extend = 'collection',
+                                buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
+                                text = 'Download'
+                              ))
+                            ))
+            },server = FALSE)
           } else {
             if (!input$box_migr_car_data$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_migr_car_data", action = "toggle")
diff --git a/R/mod_migr_env.R b/R/mod_migr_env.R
index 7257b42c7d915532f48e95250f0f36e598c91eb3..907bc4aab29725e3dc980ad49ebffae7c06bd600 100644
--- a/R/mod_migr_env.R
+++ b/R/mod_migr_env.R
@@ -14,25 +14,14 @@ mod_migr_env_ui <- function(id) {
     box(title = "S\u00e9lections :",
       collapsible = TRUE,
       width = 3,
-      selectizeInput("station_mesure_mult", h5("Choisissez une ou plusieurs station(s) de mesure :"),
-        choices = list("Choice 1" = 1, "Choice 2" = 2, "Choice 3" = 3),
-        multiple = TRUE),
-      dateRangeInput("dates", label = h5("S\u00e9lectionnez la date de d\u00e9but et de fin :")),
-      selectizeInput("pas_temps", h5("Choisissez un pas de temps :"),
-        selected = "1 jour", choices = c("1 sec", "1 min", "10 min", "15 min", "30 min", "1 h", "12 h", "1 jour", "1 sem", "2 sem", "1 mois", "3 mois", "6 mois", "1 an"),
-        multiple = FALSE),
-      numericInput("num", label = h5("Nombre de pas de temps :"), value = 365),
-      selectizeInput("taxon_mult", h5("Choisissez un ou plusieurs taxon(s) :"),
-        choices = list("Choice 1" = 1, "Choice 2" = 2, "Choice 3" = 3),
-        multiple = TRUE),
-      selectizeInput("stade_mult", h5("Choisissez un ou plusieurs stade(s) :"),
-        choices = list("Choice 1" = 1, "Choice 2" = 2, "Choice 3" = 3),
-        multiple = TRUE),
+      mod_ref_stationmesure_ui("ref_stationmesure_mod_migr_env"),
+      dateInput(ns("migr_env.datedebut"), label = h5("Choisissez une date de début :"), value = paste0(as.numeric(strftime(Sys.Date(),"%Y"))-1,"-01-01")),
+      dateInput(ns("migr_env.datefin"), label = h5("Choisissez une date de fin :"),  value =paste0(as.numeric(strftime(Sys.Date(),"%Y"))-1,"-12-31")),
+      mod_ref_taxa_ui("ref_taxa_mod_migr_env"),
+      mod_ref_stage_ui("ref_stage_mod_migr_env"),
       checkboxGroupInput(ns("choix_sorties"), label = h4("Choisissez les sorties graphiques ou tableaux :"),
-        choices = list("plot_migr_env1" = 1, "plot_migr_env2" = 2),
+        choices = list("plot_migr_env" = 1),
         selected = 1),
         inputId = ns("bttn_migrenv"),
@@ -40,15 +29,20 @@ mod_migr_env_ui <- function(id) {
         style = "fill",
         color = "primary"
-    box(collapsible = TRUE,
-      width = 9,
-      plotOutput(ns("plot_migr_env1")),
-      plotOutput(ns("plot_migr_env2"))
-    )
+  shinydashboardPlus::box(
+  id=ns("box_plot_migr_env"),
+  title="Plot migr env",
+  status = "primary",
+  solidHeader = TRUE,
+  collapsible = TRUE,
+  collapsed=TRUE,
+  width=8,
+  plotOutput(ns("plot_migr_env"),
+             width = "100%",
+             height = "600px")
@@ -56,19 +50,89 @@ mod_migr_env_ui <- function(id) {
 #' migr_env Server Functions
 #' @importFrom shinipsum random_ggplot
 #' @noRd
-mod_migr_env_server <- function(id) {
+mod_migr_env_server <- function(id,DD,mytab) {
   moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
     ns <- session$ns
-    output$plot_migr_env1 <- renderPlot({
-      random_ggplot()
-    })
-    output$plot_migr_env2 <- renderPlot({
-      random_ggplot()
-    })
+    observeEvent(
+      eventExpr = {
+        # DD$button_ref_stationmesure_mod_migr_env()
+        # DD$button_ref_taxa_migr_env()
+        # DD$button_ref_stage_migr_env()
+        input$bttn_migrenv
+      },
+      handlerExpr = {
+        shinyCatch({
+          validate(need(exists("envir_stacomi"), "Le programme stacomi doit être lancé"))
+          db_connection <- envir_stacomi$db_connection
+          validate(need(!is.null(db_connection), "db needs connection"))
+          r_mig_env<-new("report_mig_env")
+          ref_dc <- base::get("ref_dc", envir=envir_stacomi)
+          ref_taxa <- base::get("ref_taxa", envir=envir_stacomi)
+          ref_stage <- base::get("ref_stage", envir=envir_stacomi)
+          isolate(ref_env <- rlang::env_get(envir_stacomi, "ref_env", default = NULL))
+          req(!is.null(ref_env))
+          validate(need(length(ref_env@env_selected) > 0, "Les stations de mesures n'ont pas été sélectionnées"))
+          validate(need(length(ref_dc@dc_selected)>0, "Pas de DC sélectionné"))										
+          validate(need(length(ref_taxa@taxa_selected)>0, "pas de taxon sélectionné"))
+          validate(need(length(ref_stage@stage_selected)>0, "pas de stade sélectionné"))
+          r_mig_env <- choice_c(r_mig_env,
+                              dc=ref_dc@dc_selected,
+                              taxa=ref_taxa@taxa_selected,
+                              stage=ref_stage@stage_selected,
+                              stationMesure=ref_env@env_selected,
+                              datedebut=input$migr_env.datedebut,
+                              datefin=input$migr_env.datefin,
+                              silent=TRUE)	
+          shinybusy::show_modal_spinner(text="please wait") # show the modal window
+          r_mig_env <- charge(r_mig_env) # this is necessary to load operations, DF and DC
+          r_mig_env <- connect(r_mig_env)
+          r_mig_env <- calcule(r_mig_env,silent=TRUE)
+          shinybusy::remove_modal_spinner() # remove it when done
+          # graphiques et sorties ----------------------
+          if (nrow(r_mig_env@report_mig_mult@data) == 0) {
+            warning("no data available_mig_mult")
+          } else
+          if (nrow(r_mig_env@report_env@data) == 0) {
+            warning("no data available_mig_env")
+          }
+          else {
+            if ("1" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
+              if (input$box_plot_migr_env$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_plot_migr_env", action = "toggle")
+              output$plot_migr_env <- renderPlot({
+                color_dc <- stacomiR::colortable(color = NULL,r_mig_env@report_mig_mult@dc@dc_selected,palette = "Set2",color_function = c("random"))
+                color_dc_vec <- color_dc$color
+                color_dc_vec <- setNames(color_dc_vec,color_dc$name)
+                color_sta_mesure <- stacomiR::colortable(color = NULL, r_mig_env@report_env@stationMesure@env_selected,palette = "Set2",color_function = c("random"))
+                color_sta_mesure_vec <- color_sta_mesure$color
+                color_sta_mesure_vec <- setNames(color_sta_mesure_vec,color_sta_mesure$name)
+                stacomiR::plot(r_mig_env,
+                     color_station = color_sta_mesure_vec,
+                     color_dc = color_dc_vec
+                )
+              })
+            } else {
+              if (!input$box_plot_migr_env$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_plot_migr_env", action = "toggle")
+            }  # end ifelse "1"
+          }
+    # output$plot_migr_env1 <- renderPlot({
+    #   random_ggplot()
+    # })
+    # 
+    # output$plot_migr_env2 <- renderPlot({
+    #   random_ggplot()
+    # })
+        }) ## end shinycatch
 ## To be copied in the UI
 # mod_migr_env_ui("migr_env_ui_1")
diff --git a/R/mod_migr_mult.R b/R/mod_migr_mult.R
index 211da574f4c1713c84098da942fbb12b779c130e..16a2263efa54e5d86ac844ca0bc93152b0578ffa 100644
--- a/R/mod_migr_mult.R
+++ b/R/mod_migr_mult.R
@@ -12,6 +12,45 @@
 #' @importFrom shinydashboard tabItem box
 #' @importFrom DT renderDT DTOutput
+# Function to generate the plots dynamically
+# On fait une copie de l'objet r_mig_mult, on modifie l'objet pour changer la liste des selected
+# et changer les sorties de la méthode plot, les vrais noms sont dans les slots dc, taxa et stage
+# donc on fait un peu de travail dans les boucles en plus pour aller chercher les noms.
+generateGraphs <- function(r_mig_mult) {
+  graphs <- list()  
+  r_mig_mult2<-r_mig_mult
+  id <- 0
+  for (i in seq_along(r_mig_mult@calcdata)) {
+    unique_taxa <- unique(r_mig_mult@calcdata[[i]][["data"]]$lot_tax_code)
+    calcdata <- r_mig_mult@calcdata[[i]][["data"]]
+    for (j in seq_along(unique_taxa)) {
+      unique_std <- unique(calcdata[calcdata$lot_tax_code == unique_taxa[j], "lot_std_code"])
+      for (k in seq_along(unique_std)) {
+        # Mise à jour de l'objet r_mig_mult avec les valeurs spécifiques
+        id <- id + 1
+        r_mig_mult2@dc@dc_selected <- unique(calcdata$ope_dic_identifiant)
+        r_mig_mult2@taxa@taxa_selected <- unique_taxa[j]
+        r_mig_mult2@stage@stage_selected <- unique_std[k]
+        # Génération du graphique et stockage dans la liste
+        graph_name <- paste0("DC= ", stringi::stri_trans_general(r_mig_mult@dc@data[r_mig_mult@dc@data$dc %in% r_mig_mult2@dc@dc_selected,9], "latin-ascii"),
+                             ", taxon= ", stringi::stri_trans_general(r_mig_mult@taxa@data[r_mig_mult@taxa@data$tax_code %in% unique_taxa[j],2], "latin-ascii"),
+                             ", stade= ", stringi::stri_trans_general(r_mig_mult@stage@data[r_mig_mult@stage@data$std_code %in% unique_std[k],2], "latin-ascii"))
+        outfile <- file.path("./data/tempplot",paste0(graph_name, '.png'))
+        png(outfile,width=6, height=8, units ="in",res=300)
+        stacomiR::plot(r_mig_mult2, plot.type = "standard", silent = TRUE)
+        dev.off()
+        graphs[[as.character(id)]] <- graph_name
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return(graphs)
 mod_migr_mult_ui <- function(id){
   ns <- NS(id)
   tabItem(tabName = "migr_mult",
@@ -40,19 +79,16 @@ mod_migr_mult_ui <- function(id){
                                     style = "fill", 
                                     color = "primary"					
-          ),			
-          shinydashboardPlus::box(
+          ),		
+         shinydashboardPlus::box(
             title="Plot standard",
             status = "primary",
             solidHeader = TRUE,
             collapsible = TRUE,
-            width=8,
-            plotOutput(ns("plot_migration_mult_standard"),
-                       width = "100%",
-                       height = "600px")
-          ),
+            uiOutput(ns("dynamicTabs"))  # Dynamically generate the tab panels,
+            ),
             title="Plot step",
@@ -63,7 +99,7 @@ mod_migr_mult_ui <- function(id){
             sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
               id = ns("box_plot_mm_ms_sidebar"),
               width = 25,
-              mod_custom_plot_ui("custom_plot_migr_mult_2"),
+              mod_custom_plot_ui("custom_plot_migr_mult_step"),
@@ -78,7 +114,7 @@ mod_migr_mult_ui <- function(id){
             sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::boxSidebar(
               id = ns("box_plot_mm_mm_sidebar"),
               width = 25,
-              mod_custom_plot_ui("custom_plot_migr_mult_3"),
+              mod_custom_plot_ui("custom_plot_migr_mult_multiple"),
@@ -108,7 +144,9 @@ mod_migr_mult_server <- function(id, DD){
   moduleServer( id, module =function(input, output, session){
     ns <- session$ns
     observeEvent(input$bttn_migr_mult, {
-      shinyCatch({			
+      #browser()
+     # shinyCatch({	
         validate(need(exists("envir_stacomi"), "Le programme stacomi doit être lancé"))
         db_connection <- envir_stacomi$db_connection
         validate(need(!is.null(db_connection), "db needs connection"))
@@ -127,6 +165,10 @@ mod_migr_mult_server <- function(id, DD){
         shinybusy::show_modal_spinner(text="please wait") # show the modal window
+        # first clean up the folder
+        ls <- list.files(normalizePath("./data/tempplot"))
+        file.remove(normalizePath(file.path("./data/tempplot",ls)))
         r_mig_mult <- charge(r_mig_mult)
         # launching charge will also load classes associated with the report
         # e.g. report_ope, report_df, report_dc
@@ -136,12 +178,43 @@ mod_migr_mult_server <- function(id, DD){
         # calculations 
         r_mig_mult <- calcule(r_mig_mult,silent=TRUE)	
+        calcdata <-r_mig_mult@calcdata
+        # Stocke directement les graphiques en tant qu'objets
+        graphs <- generateGraphs(r_mig_mult)
         shinybusy::remove_modal_spinner() # remove it when done
         if ("1" %in% input$choix_sorties) {
           if (input$box_plot_mm_std$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_plot_mm_std", action = "toggle")
-          output$plot_migration_mult_standard <- renderPlot({
-            stacomiR::plot(r_mig_mult, plot.type = "standard", silent = TRUE)											
+         # browser()
+          # Génération dynamique des onglets
+          output$dynamicTabs <- renderUI({
+            tabs <- lapply(names(graphs), function(name) {
+              tabPanel(graphs[[name]], imageOutput(outputId = ns(paste0("image_", name)),inline=TRUE))  # IDs dynamiques
+            })
+            do.call(tabsetPanel, tabs)
+          # Rendu des graphiques
+         #browser()
+            lapply(names(graphs), function(name) {
+              output[[paste0("image_", name)]] <- renderImage({
+                    validate(need(file.exists(file.path("./data/tempplot",paste0(graphs[[name]],'.png'))),
+                            #message=strintf("internal error in mod_mig_mult_server, file %s not found",
+                            message = sprintf("internal error in mod_mig_mult_server, file %s not found",
+                                file.path("./data/tempplot",paste0(graphs[[name]],'.png')))))
+                   # src=list(normalizePath(file.path("./data/tempplot",paste0(graphs[[name]],'.png'))))
+                    list(src=normalizePath(file.path("./data/tempplot",paste0(graphs[[name]],'.png'))),
+                         width = 500)
+              }, deleteFile = FALSE)
+            })
         }	else {
           if (!input$box_plot_mm_std$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_plot_mm_std", action = "toggle")											
@@ -216,92 +289,89 @@ mod_migr_mult_server <- function(id, DD){
                             extensions = "Buttons",
-                              scroller = TRUE,
                               scrollX = TRUE,
-                              scrollY = "500px",
-                              order=list(3,"asc"),
-                              lengthMenu=list(c(-1,5,20,50),c("All","5","20","50")),
-                              "pagelength"=-1,
-                              dom= "Blfrtip",
-                              scrollX = T, 
-                              buttons=list(
-                                list(extend="excel",
-                                     filename = "resume_report_mig_mult"))
-                            ))
-            })
+                              dom= "Bfrtip",
+                              buttons=
+                                list('copy', 'print', list(
+                                  extend = 'collection',
+                                  buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
+                                  text = 'Download'
+                                ))
+                              ))
+            },server = FALSE)
         } else {
           if (!input$box_tab_mm$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_mm", action = "toggle")
-        observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_migr_mult_2()
-        },{
-          shinyCatch({
-            palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
-            plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
-            plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
-            plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
-            theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
-            g_report_migr_mult_2=envir_stacomi$p
-            g_report_migr_mult_2 <- g_report_migr_mult_2+
-              ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-              ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-              ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-              ggplot2::scale_colour_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-              match.fun(theme_plot)()
-            output$plot_migration_mult_step<-renderPlot({
-              g_report_migr_mult_2
-            })
-          },blocking_level = "error"
-          )},
-        ignoreInit=TRUE,
-        ignoreNULL = TRUE
-        )
+        # observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_migr_mult_step()
+        #   
+        # },{
+        #   shinyCatch({
+        #     
+        #     palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
+        #     plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
+        #     plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
+        #     plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
+        #     theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
+        #     
+        #     g_report_migr_mult_step <- envir_stacomi$p_step
+        #     
+        #     if (plot_title != "") g_report_migr_mult_multiple <- g_report_migr_mult_step + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+        #     if (plot_ylab != "")  g_report_migr_mult_step <- g_report_migr_mult_step +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+        #     if (plot_xlab != "")  g_report_migr_mult_step <- g_report_migr_mult_step +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+        #     if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_report_migr_mult_step <- g_report_migr_mult_step +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+        #     if (palette_plot != "aucun")  g_report_migr_mult_step <- g_report_migr_mult_step +  ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
+        #     
+        #     
+        #     
+        #     output$plot_migration_mult_step<-renderPlot({
+        #       g_report_migr_mult_step
+        #     })
+        #     
+        #     
+        #   },blocking_level = "error"
+        #   )},
+        # ignoreInit=TRUE,
+        # ignoreNULL = TRUE
+        # )
-        observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_migr_mult_3()
-        },{
-          shinyCatch({
-            palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
-            plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
-            plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
-            plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
-            theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
-            g_report_migr_mult_3=envir_stacomi$p
-            g_report_migr_mult_3 <- g_report_migr_mult_3+
-              ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-              ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-              ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-              ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-              match.fun(theme_plot)()
-            output$plot_migration_multiple<-renderPlot({
-              g_report_migr_mult_3
-            })
-          },blocking_level = "error"
-          )},
-        ignoreInit=TRUE,
-        ignoreNULL = TRUE
-        )
+        # observeEvent({DD$button_box_custom_migr_mult_multiple()
+        #   
+        # },{
+        #   shinyCatch({
+        #     
+        #     palette_plot <- envir_stacomi$palette_plot
+        #     plot_title <- envir_stacomi$plot_title
+        #     plot_xlab <- envir_stacomi$xlab
+        #     plot_ylab <- envir_stacomi$ylab
+        #     theme_plot <- envir_stacomi$theme_plot
+        #     
+        #     g_report_migr_mult_multiple <- envir_stacomi$p_multiple
+        #     
+        #     if (plot_title != "") g_report_migr_mult_multiple <- g_report_migr_mult_multiple + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+        #     if (plot_ylab != "")  g_report_migr_mult_multiple <- g_report_migr_mult_multiple +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+        #     if (plot_xlab != "")  g_report_migr_mult_multiple <- g_report_migr_mult_multiple +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+        #     if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_report_migr_mult_multiple <- g_report_migr_mult_multiple +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+        #     if (palette_plot != "aucun")  g_report_migr_mult_multiple <- g_report_migr_mult_multiple +  ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
+        #     
+        #     
+        #     
+        #     output$plot_migration_multiple<-renderPlot({
+        #       g_report_migr_mult_multiple
+        #     })
+        #     
+        #     
+        #   },blocking_level = "error"
+        #   )},
+        # ignoreInit=TRUE,
+        # ignoreNULL = TRUE
+        # )
         # return(reactive(input$bttn_migr_mult))
-      })
+      #})#shinycatch
-  })
+  }) 
 ## To be copied in the UI
diff --git a/R/mod_ref_dc.R b/R/mod_ref_dc.R
index 14c036bfdde8c11367001210389a63e8d573230e..a78a36de1f953927ea113d627d11f5e9a25b6ae4 100644
--- a/R/mod_ref_dc.R
+++ b/R/mod_ref_dc.R
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ mod_ref_dc_server <- function(id, DD) {
   moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
     ns <- session$ns
     # when observing on a button , it's good to set ignoreInit to TRUE, for dynamically created buttons
-    observeEvent(eventExpr =                                                                {
+    observeEvent(
+        eventExpr ={                                                                
diff --git a/R/mod_ref_schema.R b/R/mod_ref_schema.R
index f0a63ccf1f1eea34982bff58a21a1db9550e4a85..607e4f76f8f956bf116b88a9b3425a1402545d20 100644
--- a/R/mod_ref_schema.R
+++ b/R/mod_ref_schema.R
@@ -46,25 +46,30 @@ mod_ref_schema_ui <- function(id) {
 mod_ref_schema_server <- function(id, DD) {
   moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
     ns <- session$ns
-    observeEvent(DD$login_button(),
+    observeEvent(eventExpr = DD$login_button(),
+        handlerExpr =
         # cat("TEST\n")
-            # browser()
+             #browser()
             validate(need(exists("envir_stacomi"), "Le programme stacomi doit être lancé"))
             db_connection <- envir_stacomi$db_connection
             validate(need(!is.null(db_connection), "Pas de connexion, cliquez sur le bouton dans la barre de titre"))
             shinybusy::show_modal_spinner(text = "loading from db") # show the modal window
             schema <- fun_schema()
             shinybusy::remove_modal_spinner() # remove it when done
+            if (nrow(schema)==0){
+              res<- capture.output(fun_schema())
+              warning(res[1])
+            }
             # cat(DD$ref_dc@data$df_code)
             # output$test_text <- renderText(envir_stacomi$db_connection@base)
             updateSelectInput(session, "select_ref_schema", choices = schema$org_code, selected = schema[1])
             # cat("TEST2\n")
-          blocking_level = "error")
+          blocking_level = "warning")
       ignoreInit = TRUE,
       ignoreNULL = TRUE
diff --git a/R/mod_ref_stage.R b/R/mod_ref_stage.R
index 142bcd9429ec73b176136d50a371b3533dcdcf1a..1e4238aa73bbd0d661305c130d76a2a689b6feaf 100644
--- a/R/mod_ref_stage.R
+++ b/R/mod_ref_stage.R
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ mod_ref_stage_server <- function(id, DD, mytab) {
+      DD$button_ref_taxa_migr_env()
     handlerExpr = {
diff --git a/R/mod_sample_char.R b/R/mod_sample_char.R
index 7451df88e787bccc79c78e5dc5732a8aa2c5332e..f939129b02a075f65a7ada1f92c78a13fe3917d6 100644
--- a/R/mod_sample_char.R
+++ b/R/mod_sample_char.R
@@ -180,23 +180,18 @@ mod_sample_char_server <- function(id, DD){
 											if (input$box_tab_sample_char_data$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_sample_char_data", action = "toggle")
 											output$tab_sample_char_data <- renderDT({
-																rownames=TRUE,          
-																extensions = "Buttons",
-																option=list(
-																		scroller = TRUE,
-																		scrollX = TRUE,
-																		scrollY = "500px",
-																		order=list(3,"asc"),
-																		lengthMenu=list(c(-1,5,20,50),c("All","5","20","50")),
-																		"pagelength"=-1,
-																		dom= "Blfrtip",
-																		scrollX = T, 
-																		buttons=list(
-																				list(extend="excel",
-																						filename = "resume_report_sample_char"))
-																)
-														)
-													})
+														              rownames=FALSE,          
+														              extensions = "Buttons",
+														              option=list(
+														                scrollX = TRUE,
+														                dom= "Bfrtip",
+														                buttons=list('copy', 'print', list(
+														                  extend = 'collection',
+														                  buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
+														                  text = 'Download'
+														                ))
+														))
+													},server = FALSE)
 										}	else {
 											if (!input$box_tab_sample_char_data$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_tab_sample_char_data", action = "toggle")											
@@ -212,14 +207,14 @@ mod_sample_char_server <- function(id, DD){
-										    g_sample_char_1=envir_stacomi$g
+										    g_sample_char_1 <- envir_stacomi$g1
-										    g_sample_char_1 <- g_sample_char_1+
-										      ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-										      ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-										      ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-										      ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-										      match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                        if (plot_title != "") g_sample_char_1 <- g_sample_char_1 + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+                        if (plot_ylab != "")  g_sample_char_1 <- g_sample_char_1 +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+                        if (plot_xlab != "")  g_sample_char_1 <- g_sample_char_1 +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+                        if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_sample_char_1 <- g_sample_char_1 +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                        if (palette_plot != "aucun")  g_sample_char_1 <- g_sample_char_1 +  ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
@@ -244,14 +239,14 @@ mod_sample_char_server <- function(id, DD){
-										    g_sample_char_2=envir_stacomi$g
+										    g_sample_char_2=envir_stacomi$g2
-										    g_sample_char_2 <- g_sample_char_2+
-										      ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-										      ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-										      ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-										      ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-										      match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                        if (plot_title != "") g_sample_char_2 <- g_sample_char_2 + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+                        if (plot_ylab != "")  g_sample_char_2 <- g_sample_char_2 +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+                        if (plot_xlab != "")  g_sample_char_2 <- g_sample_char_2 +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+                        if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_sample_char_2 <- g_sample_char_2 +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                        if (palette_plot != "aucun")  g_sample_char_2 <- g_sample_char_2 +  ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
@@ -270,20 +265,20 @@ mod_sample_char_server <- function(id, DD){
-										    palette_plot<-envir_stacomi$palette_plot
-										    plot_title<-envir_stacomi$plot_title
-										    plot_xlab<-envir_stacomi$xlab
-										    plot_ylab<-envir_stacomi$ylab
-										    theme_plot<-envir_stacomi$theme_plot
+										    palette_plot <- envir_stacomi$palette_plot
+										    plot_title <- envir_stacomi$plot_title
+										    plot_xlab <- envir_stacomi$xlab
+										    plot_ylab <- envir_stacomi$ylab
+										    theme_plot <- envir_stacomi$theme_plot
-										    g_sample_char_3=envir_stacomi$g
+										    g_sample_char_3 <- envir_stacomi$g3
-										    g_sample_char_3 <- g_sample_char_3+
-										      ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) +
-										      ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab) +
-										      ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab) +
-										      ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = palette_plot)+
-										      match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                        if (plot_title != "") g_sample_char_3 <- g_sample_char_3 + ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title) 
+                        if (plot_ylab != "")  g_sample_char_3 <- g_sample_char_3 +  ggplot2::ylab(plot_ylab)
+                        if (plot_xlab != "")  g_sample_char_3 <- g_sample_char_3 +  ggplot2::xlab(plot_xlab)
+                        if (theme_plot != "aucun")  g_sample_char_3 <- g_sample_char_3 +  match.fun(theme_plot)()
+                        if (palette_plot != "aucun")  g_sample_char_3 <- g_sample_char_3 +  ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = palette_plot)										 
diff --git a/R/mod_sat_age.R b/R/mod_sat_age.R
index fe23a7a3d3f2972c0c7a5d658e028977ad3ca7fa..88e97fce931c42bd2b7424e9001cb5ebd7f4aaf3 100644
--- a/R/mod_sat_age.R
+++ b/R/mod_sat_age.R
@@ -129,8 +129,20 @@ mod_sat_age_server <- function(id, DD) {
             colnames(tab2) <- c("DC", "Age_mer", "Effectif")
             tab2 <- dplyr::arrange(tab2, DC)
             output$tab_sat_age <- renderDT({
-              print(tab2)
-            })
+              DT::datatable(tab2,
+                            rownames=FALSE,          
+                            extensions = "Buttons",
+                            option=list(
+                              scrollX = TRUE,
+                              dom= "Bfrtip", 
+                              buttons=
+                                list('copy', 'print', list(
+                                  extend = 'collection',
+                                  buttons = c('csv', 'excel', 'pdf'),
+                                  text = 'Download'
+                                ))
+                            ))
+            },server = FALSE)
           } else {
             if (!input$box_summary_sat_age$collapsed) shinydashboardPlus::updateBox("box_summary_sat_age", action = "toggle")
           }                  # end ifelse "3"
diff --git a/app.R b/app.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34d3c1ac7cfcc8763560979239419b190848c5b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app.R
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Launch the ShinyApp (Do not remove this comment)
+# To deploy, run: rsconnect::deployApp()
+# Or use the blue button on top of this file
+pkgload::load_all(export_all = FALSE,helpers = FALSE,attach_testthat = FALSE)
+options( "golem.app.prod" = TRUE)
+stacoshiny::stacoshiny() # add parameters here (if any)
diff --git a/dev/02_dev.R b/dev/02_dev.R
index 3be43623d13282ce64866e8f01a02ee6a0c92b4d..6e2350fd20b55f9986fb1ae535116bc1c66fab65 100644
--- a/dev/02_dev.R
+++ b/dev/02_dev.R
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ usethis::use_package("ggthemes")
 remote = "Remotes: gitlab::git@forgemia.inra.fr:stacomi/stacomirtools.git" )
 usethis::use_dev_package("stacomiR", remote = "Remotes: gitlab::git@forgemia.inra.fr:stacomi/stacomir.git" )
+usethis::use_dev_package("stacomirtools", remote = "Remotes: gitlab::git@forgemia.inra.fr:stacomi/stacomirtools.git" )
 install.packages(file.path(getwd(),"inst/stacomirtools_0.6.0.9000.tar.gz"),repos=NULL, type="source")
 install.packages(file.path(getwd(),"inst/stacomiR_0.6.0.tar.gz"),repos=NULL, type="source")
diff --git a/dev/run_dev.R b/dev/run_dev.R
index 2714d8729aa56e4b08a838e1e80d6cfb816948f6..26e48a52bd1aa22735fd9ef67007567a08807935 100644
--- a/dev/run_dev.R
+++ b/dev/run_dev.R
@@ -1,18 +1,43 @@
-# Set options here
-# setwd("C:\\workspace\\stacoshiny")
+rm(list=ls(all.names = TRUE))
+getUsername <- function(){
+  name <- Sys.info()[["user"]]
+  return(name)
+if (getUsername() == "cedric.briand") {
+  wdshiny <- "C:/workspace/stacoshiny"
+  wdstacomiR <- "C:\\workspace\\stacomir"
+  wdstacomirtools <-"C:\\workspace\\stacomirtools"
+} else if (getUsername() == "marion.legrand"){
+  wdshiny <- "D:/Documents/Workspace_eclipse/stacoshiny"
+  wdstacomiR <- "D:/Documents/Workspace_eclipse/stacomir_gitlab"
+  wdstacomirtools <-"D:/Documents/Workspace_eclipse/stacomirtools_gitlab"
+}  else if (getUsername() == "SébastienGrall"){
+  wdshiny <- "C:/Users/SébastienGrall/Documents/Projets Git/stacoshiny"
+  wdstacomiR <- "C:/Users/SébastienGrall/Documents/Projets Git/stacomir"
+  wdstacomirtools <-"C:/Users/SébastienGrall/Documents/Projets Git/stacomirtools"
+#  else if (getUsername() == "xxxx")){
+# }  
 options(golem.app.prod = FALSE) # TRUE = production mode, FALSE = development mode
 # Detach all loaded packages and clean your environment
-rm(list=ls(all.names = TRUE))
 # Document and reload your package
+# remotes::install_deps(upgrade='never')
+#devtools::load_all(path = "D://OneDrive - Seine-Normandie Migrateurs/R/Stacoshiny/stacomir/")
-# these options set the scene before connecting to the database
 #options(shiny.error = browser)
 spsComps:::spsOption("traceback", TRUE)
 stacoshiny() # options=list(port= 3882, host= "", launch.browser= FALSE)
@@ -21,3 +46,4 @@ stacoshiny() # options=list(port= 3882, host= "", launch.browser= FALSE
 # si ça plante au debut non function => un des boutons passés depuis un observeEnvent via return(reactive(input$bttn))
 # n'a pas le bon nom
 # si le bouton ne déclenche pas vérifier si il est encadré par ns() pour l'id dans UI
+# options(shiny.reactlog = TRUE) # puis CRTL F3 dans le navigateur
diff --git a/gitlab-ci/before_script.gitlab-ci.yml b/gitlab-ci/before_script.gitlab-ci.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 171bab9de054eb5004093e1db2221913e02ab694..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/gitlab-ci/before_script.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# the .Renviron in the document folder contains the path to the libraries in the form R_LIBS=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/ci/lib
-# there are three lines added there so the uploaded packages will end up there
-  - apt-get update
-  - mkdir -p ${R_LIBS_USER} ${BUILD_LOGS_DIR} ${BUILD_DIR}
-  - echo 'R_LIBS_USER=${R_LIBS_USER}' >> .Renviron
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gitlab-ci/build_binary.gitlab-ci.yml b/gitlab-ci/build_binary.gitlab-ci.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e85fa8b6f1676a0126fd7419c517d19ccd6247a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/gitlab-ci/build_binary.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-  stage: build
-  extends:
-    - .image-dev
-    - .rules_other
-  script:
-    - echo "install packages"
-    - R -e 'remotes::install_deps(upgrade = "never")'    
-    - R -e 'devtools::build(binary = TRUE, path=Sys.getenv("BUILD_DIR"), vignettes=FALSE, manual=FALSE)'  
-    - cp --recursive /usr/local/lib/R/site-library ${R_LIBS_USER}
-  artifacts:
-    paths:
-      - ${BUILD_DIR}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gitlab-ci/build_images_docker.gitlab-ci.yml b/gitlab-ci/build_images_docker.gitlab-ci.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f34dc684954e58bcd00e332c138bfb5367b2e015..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/gitlab-ci/build_images_docker.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# build docker images
-# for any branch, but main
-  image: docker:$docker_version
-  stage: build_images
-  services:
-    - docker:$docker_version_dind
-  extends:
-    - .rules_shut_down 
-  script:
-    - echo $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD | docker login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER $CI_REGISTRY --password-stdin
-    - docker build -t $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/${stacoshiny_image_name}:${stacoshiny_version}-$tag_dev -f stacoshiny.dockerfile .
-    - docker push --all-tags $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/${stacoshiny_image_name}
-# for main banch only
-  image: docker:$docker_version
-  stage: build_images
-  services:
-    - docker:$docker_version_dind
-  extends:
-    - .rules_shut_down
-  when: manual
-  script:
-    - echo $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD | docker login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER $CI_REGISTRY --password-stdin
-    - docker build -t $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/${stacoshiny_image_name}:${stacoshiny_version} -f stacoshiny.dockerfile .
-    - docker tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/${stacoshiny_image_name}:${stacoshiny_version}  $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/${stacoshiny_image_name}:latest
-    - docker push --all-tags $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/${stacoshiny_image_name}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gitlab-ci/check.gitlab-ci.yml b/gitlab-ci/check.gitlab-ci.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e83d0fdffeeae82c610ac79edb2a6bc39f3b4b63..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/gitlab-ci/check.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-  stage: check
-  extends:
-    - .image-dev
-    - .rules_other
-  script:
-    - echo 'R_LIBS=$R_LIBS_USER' > .Renviron
-    - Rscript -e 'devtools::check(check_dir = Sys.getenv("CHECK_DIR"), document = FALSE, args = "--no-tests")'
-    - Rscript -e 'if (length(devtools::check_failures(path = Sys.getenv("BUILD_LOGS_DIR"), note = FALSE)) > 0) stop()'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gitlab-ci/documentation.gitlab-ci.yml b/gitlab-ci/documentation.gitlab-ci.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 206678cb505e7813983250775eaf9d1ad32fcb25..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/gitlab-ci/documentation.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-  stage: document
-  extends:
-    - .image-dev
-    - .rules_other
-  script:
-    - echo 'R_LIBS=$R_LIBS_USER' > .Renviron
-    - R -e 'devtools::document()'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gitlab-ci/image.gitlab-ci.yml b/gitlab-ci/image.gitlab-ci.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d4b43ea8e11af7b852cfbeff45325654c3295ce7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/gitlab-ci/image.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# to use the right docker db image
-# for any branch, but main
-  image: 
-    name: ${r_image_path}/${r_image_name}:${r_image_tagdev}
-    entrypoint: ["/usr/sbin/init"]
-# for main banch only
-  image: ${r_image_path}/${r_image_name}:latest
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gitlab-ci/rules.gitlab-ci.yml b/gitlab-ci/rules.gitlab-ci.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f58f8389fdcf34661fb447daac60db9916b3219a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/gitlab-ci/rules.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# generic rules to be used for main branch or others
-# for any branch, but main
-  rules:
-    - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != "main"'				# only if there is changes in branch other than main
-# for main banch only
-  rules:
-    - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main"'				# only if there is changes in the main branch
-# for shutting down the job
-  rules:
-    - when: never				# only if there is changes in the main branch
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/golem-config.yml b/inst/golem-config.yml
index ba52165d4e944a53ed60048ef113e29706e3eada..ab67d92ab65f8d8b4e708cb532de8f1a687499cc 100644
--- a/inst/golem-config.yml
+++ b/inst/golem-config.yml
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ default:
   app_prod: yes
-  golem_wd: !expr here::here()
+  golem_wd: !expr golem::pkg_path()
diff --git a/vignettes/stacoshiny.Rmd b/vignettes/stacoshiny.Rmd
deleted file mode 100644
index 74c44ea9d62f6a64461d279ea49a82fc778ba41e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/vignettes/stacoshiny.Rmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-title: "stacoshiny"
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
-  %\VignetteIndexEntry{stacoshiny}
-  %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
-  %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
-```{r, include = FALSE}
-  collapse = TRUE,
-  comment = "#>"
-```{r setup}